Chapter Eleven-Deadly aliens-Invaded-Section XI

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LATE 1954...

"You're sure that we're going away, John?", Jane asked.

"Yes, dear", he answered.

"The idea of other cities across America being invaded is horrible".

"I know".


And, as the plane landed in Los Angeles, they disembarked as fast as possible.

The Invaded grinned, as all of the passengers were now changed.

As the deadly aliens moved off the plane, John ran away with Jane. Their hearts beat faster.

"Go to the EXIT doors!".

And, once both of them did so, the couple noticed the doors were blocked by burly Airport Security Guards.

"Oh, John...they won't let us leave".

"Darling, we will take a flight overseas. Let me see, how about London, England?", he asked.

She kissed him, then agreed.

They booked a flight for 9:30 PM to go there.

"I hope we're not too late".

"No, let's rush darling".

The female Airline attendant was an alien.

Her milky white  eyes was terrifying to see.

"Don't forget...all flights overseas will be under our control soon...Have a good night...and safe trip". She smiled, as yellow goo seeped from under her facial muscles.

The goo burnt into the red carpet...and caused the ground to shake for several seconds. But, once the incident was contained, the Airport was back in business.


Page 12.

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