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e p i g r a p h

❝ a l w a y s

– Severus Snape


s y n o p s i s

❝You knew?" She choked out. Her voice sounded like she was being strangled.

There was a perfect, profound silence.

Until he managed to say in a whisper, "Always.❞

What if Hermione Granger wasn't really Hermione Granger?

Hermione Granger finds out that she isn't a Granger. But rather, a Zabini.

A life-changing statement.

After telling the news to everyone, she finds herself being dumped by the man of her dreams, Ron Weasley.

Now Draco Malfoy interferes with her life.

Now she understands.

Now she's confused.

Let the mayhem begin.


w a r n i n g

the following program
contains coarse language,
plot holes, grammatical
errors, mature content,
dramatic & cliché scenes,
and factual errors that
may not be suitable for
very young audiences or
very particular audiences.


a u t h o r ' s n o t e

Hello to all of you Potter-heads! I hope you're all doing okay.

So, a notice as promised, the characters looks could be from the movie; Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Louis Cordice, etc., OR they could be looking like the ones from the book. Your choice.

To avoid being on the state of confusion, please READ THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS FIRST.

But putting that all aside, I hope y'all enjoy!

*blows kisses*


Lotta love,
x S. Shady


2018 EDITSo, this book was filled with un-listing plot holes, and a weird storyline (as I was still 11 at that time people. elefuckingven.). Plus, I was in a rush when writing these chapters, as I was in my first year of high school. (Literally a whole new world there) and I was trying to cope up (yup, I was eleven in my first year of high school) and grammatical errors here and there, so I decided to edit this to suit your convenience and to avoid having to see your comments that are correcting facts or grammatical errors. I am both embarrassed for the wrong facts and grammar, so I plead for your forgiveness

Lotta love,
x S. Shady


june. 9. 2018.
by: s. rena shady

finished editing.
by: --


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