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e d i t e d

HERMIONE was clearly taken aback.

What on earth Blaise Zabini doing here?

"What do you want, Zabini?" She snarled.

"Are the Grangers here?" His tone calm, surprising Hermione and taking her off-track.

Hermione quickly masked her surprise with the dirtiest scowl she could ever imagine to hand over. Even to someone like Blaise Zabini. How dare he have the gull to come over to her house, unannounced, at 6 am in the morning, and talk to her like that! Anger was bubbling up from her veins. "It's none of your business," She said, clenching her hands into balls of fists.

Hermione had guessed that Blaise had immediately noticed her anger growing because his words and such actions quickly gave a reaction from him, "May I come in?" He asked, clearly changing the subject, his finger directing the inside.

"And try to do any weird business inside? No thank-you," said Hermione, relaxing her anger and replacing it into a cold tone. But her deathly glare still intact.

"What if I told you one important thing that would change everything?" Curiosity filled his voice. Suspicion filled hers.

"I highly doubt that," She replies hotly, crossing her hands over her chest. Call her a know-it-all. There was no way Blaise Zabini would know something she wouldn't.

Blaise raises one of his eyebrow lazily and speaks, "What if I said you were my sister?"

Hermione barks out a loud laugh, "Then I'd say you're completely mad and ought to be brought to St. Mugo's," She shakes her head furiously while saying it. As if she were trying to convince herself.

Blaise tries to hold back his fits of laughter as he shrugged, "Well then, you're my sister." He said simply, finally gaining the guts to release a infamous smirk.

The nerve of him.

Before Hermione could utter a word that could escape her mouth, a pale blonde haired boy with a pointed face, and hypnotizing stormy grey eyes appeared through her very own eyes from door step. He was in a black tuxedo that made him look mature, or rather, dashing.

And then she realized,

It was Draco Freaking Malfoy.


*dramatic gasp* WAHHHHH!!! I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!
haha, jk. SO,
hey, hey, hey! i wrote the chapter this time. draco is finally here! watcha think? hope you enjoyed! soon enough, for the blood thirsty drama lovers, soon there will be the drama you've all been craving for!

lotta love,
x S. Shady


this chapter is now officially pronounced as edited.

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