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"Dude, there's your girl. Go long." Cohen said and cocked back his arm, before I could protest. I had a split second to assess the situation. Quinn was there, walking along unknowingly in the path of the football that Cohen just let fly. I took off running, unsure if I'd get there in time. What was I saying? I was the best Wide Receiver the bulldogs had ever had, if I did say so myself. I increased my speed, while keeping an eye on the spiraling ball in the air. As soon as I was close enough, I snaked one arm around Quinn, pulling her against me, while I used my other hand to scoop the football from the air. I fumbled with it, but managed to hug it to my other side. Cohen and anyone else who witnessed the spectacle began to cheer.

I suddenly became aware of a stiff Quinn, trembling against me. I tossed the football to the ground and put both arms around her, rubbing up and down her back, "I'm so sorry. Cohen threw the ball and it was headed right toward you. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to tackle you out of the way and risk hurting you. Are you ok?"

She sniffled and began nodding frantically. Her hands came to rest against my chest and I thought she was going to push me away. Instead, her hands fisted my t-shirt and she clung to me as her trembling increased. Any other girl, any other situation, and I would have taken the trembling as a good sign. Quinn wasn't shivering with arousal though. She was clearly upset and it was all my fault. Well, technically it was Cohen's for throwing the damned ball in the first place, but I could have handled it better. I should have called out to her and she might have been able to get out of harm's way on her own. Cohen might have set the series of events into motion, but I'd been eager to hold her and I hadn't considered how she would feel about that.

"Quinn, please, say something." I asked, softly.

She stiffened for a whole new reason now and did push me away. With a frown she asked, "How do you know my name?"

I rubbed the back of my neck and said, sheepishly, "I glanced at your application at Bean There."

Her frown didn't lesson when she said, "Speaking of, I've got to go or I'll be late for my interview."

"Oh good, you got a call back. You'll get the job I'm sure. You'll like working with Lexi too. She's a cool chick. My name is Dylan Pennington, by the way." I say, feeling lame.

Quinn nodded and started walking again, "I know, Lexi and I got to know each other yesterday. Your name came up."

"Good, I mean, well, maybe not so good if you were talking to Lexi. I, uh, I really am sorry about before, with the football..."

She waved her hand, impatiently, and said, "It's already forgotten. I'll see you later."

"Uh, yea, sure." Unsure what else to do, I let her go. She'd been quaking so strongly before, that I doubted it was already forgotten. I had no idea why, but Quinn Langston got to me. No other girl affected me the way that she did.

"Only the second day of school and you've already got an in with your girl. You're welcome." Cohen stated, proudly, as he joined me, picking his football up off the ground.

I shook my head, "You're a jackass. What if I hadn't gotten there in time? That ball could have knocked her out."

Cohen laughed, "Dude, we're dynamite when a football is involved. I knew you'd get there. You always do."

Ignoring that statement, I told him, "We have to get to class now, but as soon as it lets out, we're going to pay a visit to Lexi."

Cohen brightened, "I'm down with that."

We headed to class, but it had been pointless for me to go. I couldn't concentrate. Quinn occupied my thoughts, but there were more questions than anything. I needed to know more about her and I was hoping Lexi could help me with that. I knew I was grasping. Lexi barely tolerated me, so why would she spill her guts to me, if she even knew anything personal about Quinn. I was hoping she could at least shed some light on why Quinn had seemed almost scared when I grabbed her. I mean, yes, most girls would be startled to be grabbed like that, but Quinn's fear seemed stronger than...well, than normal.

I hated that word. Normal. What did that even mean? I mean, I knew what the dictionary said, but it was all bullshit. What was common? What was standard? That's what the dictionary said. Normal meant conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. In today's world, I didn't think normal existed. I actually hoped it didn't, because if my life was normal, then I didn't want any part of it. In my eyes, it shouldn't be normal to treat your kid the way my father had always treated me. It wasn't right to constantly ridicule and dictate.

When class let out, Cohen and I headed for Bean There. I glanced around for Quinn, but she was nowhere in sight. Lexi, however, was behind the counter. It seemed like she was always working. Come to think of it, she wasn't in any of my classes. Surely she hadn't dropped out, right? On impulse I asked her, "When is your next class, Lex?"

She frowned, "Six o'clock tonight. Why?"

"You're taking night classes now?" I asked, surprised.

Lexi shrugged, "It's quieter."

Right. I silently cursed Drake Anderson. He'd totally fucked Lexi over and she was still dealing with the aftermath. She took night classes to avoid people like Drake. I shook my head. That was a problem for another day. I suddenly noticed Cohen was silently staring at her. What a fucking weirdo? I elbowed him, hard, and Cohen grunted out, "Hello Lexi."

"Redford." Lexi said and actually held Cohen's gaze. That was new. I watched with interest. My idiot friend, just kept staring at her, and she finally shook her head, asking, "What can I get you guys?"

"Answers." I blurted.

"I'm sorry?" Lexi frowned.

I nudged Cohen's shoulder, "This bonehead threw a football that almost took out Quinn Langston today. I saved her and while I had my hands on her, she was shaking practically uncontrollably. Do you know why?"

Lexi glared, "You touched her?"

I held up my hands in surrender, "Hey, I'm not the bad guy here! I was saving her. It's not like I was molesting her or anything."

Lexi sighed, "Look, it isn't my place to say anything. Quinn has had a rough life and yes, she has confided in me, but I'm not telling you a damned thing. When did this happen? I thought she seemed a little off when she showed up for her interview, but then Hal took over and I got busy."

"She was heading to her interview when it happened." I admitted.

Lexi turned her glare toward Cohen, "Watch where you're throwing your balls next time!"

Cohen smirked, ready to make some kind of sexual reference, but I grabbed him and dragged him toward the door instead. I sent Lexi a consoling smile over my shoulder, "Thanks for the help, Lex."

"If you hurt her, I'll castrate you!" She hollered after me.

I grinned and shot back, "Funny, I said the same thing to Cohen about you."

Well, I didn't get what I came for, necessarily, but I felt better knowing that Quinn had somebody like Lexi to confide in. Quinn had a difficult past, according to Lexi, which I'd already guessed. I hadn't seen her hanging around anyone else, so I was thankful that she felt comfortable around at least one person on campus. It was a start and if I had my way, she'd feel comfortable around me by the end of the semester. Something told me I had my work cut out for me.

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