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I'd driven passed Bean There after the game, but they were closed. I wasn't sure what I would have done had they been open. I knew that Quinn had started working there today. I also knew the odds of her attending the football were nil, but I'd looked for her anyway. Now I stood in the middle of a raging party and I couldn't find my groove. I hadn't hooked up with anybody since I laid eyes on Quinn. I sipped my beer, but I wasn't really tasting it. I accepted pats on the back and high fives for the win tonight, but even that felt hollow. I wasn't sure what was going on with me, but I was pretty sure a certain petite blond was at the root of it.

"Dude, I can't breathe." Cohen suddenly appeared at my side, clutching his chest, dramatically.

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking a long pull from my beer.

"Lexi is here. Your girl too. They...they're dressed to the nines." Cohen spoke like he was having trouble breathing.

Without a word, I moved into the living room of the frat house, and then I too was having trouble breathing. I didn't even recognize them at first. Dressed to the nines was an understatement. Guys were quickly swarming them and neither appeared too keen on that idea. I went back, grabbed Cohen, and then headed for the girls. I elbowed my way through the guys, giving warning looks, and then smiled warmly, in greeting, "Ladies."

Quinn's panicked eyes flew to mine and she took a step in my direction. Whether it was involuntary or not, wasn't the question. It was clear that she was glad to see a familiar face in the crowd. What was Lexi thinking, bringing Quinn to something like this and dressed like that? Cohen somehow managed to pick his tongue up off the floor and asked, "Would you ladies like a beverage?"

Lexi grinned and wobbled a little. I narrowed my eyes and upon closer inspection, I realized these two had already been drinking. Jesus this was a recipe for disaster if I'd ever seen one. Quinn looked up at me again, with her big doe eyes, and all of my irritation fled. She was here. I could protect her. Everything would be ok. Impulsively, I held out my hand, offering it to Quinn. Her eyes widened and she stared at my hand for so long I almost lowered it. Finally though, she reached out and put her hand in mind. I smiled, winked at her, and then began pulling her through the crowd. I knew Cohen would take care of Lexi and when I glanced back to make sure, I was right. My best friend was pulling Lexi through the crowd behind Quinn and me.

When we reached the beer cooler, I went behind it to the hidden cooler that was for "special guests" only. That usually consisted of the girls you were trying to seduce. I wasn't trying to seduce Quinn, per say, but if there was ever a special guest she was it. I pulled out two wine coolers and opened them, handing one to Quinn and then one to Lexi. I doubted they would be beer girls and I suddenly wanted them to have good memories about tonight.

"So what brings you ladies out tonight?" I asked, suddenly aware that I still held Quinn's hand in mine. I didn't want to let her go, I realized. The last time I had touched her, she'd been trembling in fear, but she wasn't now. She appeared open and relaxed now that we'd gotten them out of the swarm of vultures in the living room. I shook my head. Cohen and I weren't in the frat, but we were kind of a big deal around here, thanks to our positions on the football team. I'd have to have a talk with the frat president about how to act around pretty girls without overwhelming them.

"We thought about going to the game." Lexi provided.

"Did you?" Cohen asked, happily.

Lexi shook her head, "By the time we closed up the coffee shop and got changed, the game was over. So we had a couple drinks at my place before we came here."

"Are you glad you came?" I couldn't help but ask. With my hand still wrapped around Quinn's I ran my thumb over her knuckles in a caress. I wanted to caress a lot more than that, but I was willing to go at a snail's pace, if that's what she needed.

"I'm glad." Quinn said and ducked her head, with a blush blooming onto her cheeks.

"I'm so glad." Lexi suddenly purred and I watched her run her finger, seductively, up Cohen's chest. He was clearly having trouble breathing again.

I narrowed my eyes, "Just how much have you two had to drink?"

"I know what I'm doing, Dylan." Lexi snapped.

I held up my one free hand, because I still couldn't bring myself to release Quinn's, "Chill, Lex, I just don't want you to do anything you'll regret in the morning. As far as I know, until five minutes ago you hated all football players and you're currently clearly coming onto one right now. As long as you clearly know what you're doing, then have at it."

Lexi sighed, "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm also sorry for being a bitch to you for the last couple years. You've only ever tried to be a friend to me and I automatically lumped you in with people like Drake. Quinn helped me see the error of my ways."

I squeezed Quinn's hand in gratitude and she ducked her head again, shyly. She gave a gentle tug, trying to free her hand. I tightened my hold, which caused her to glance up sharply. I sighed, not wanting her to feel confined, and reluctantly dropped her hand. My palm itched, not liking the loss. I had to shake my head. Quinn was changing me and she didn't even know it. Until meeting her, I didn't give a damn about the small things like handholding. Now, I craved just that tiny amount of intimacy, but only from Quinn.

A loud commotion broke out and two rolling bodies came into view. I rolled my eyes. Frat guys could be exhausting sometimes and when they got drunk, they got stupid. Unthinking, I grabbed Quinn and moved her behind my back, in case the two idiots who were currently pummeling each other came any closer. I felt her stiffen and realized that I'd just manhandled her, yet again. Instead of trembling in fear, like she did the last time, though, she clutched the back of my shirt and pressed close to me. That was definitely progress. I didn't know if the alcohol she had consumed had lowered her inhibitions, but I was considering this a win, either way.

"As for you..." I turned to see Lexi poke Cohen's chest. I glanced down to find Quinn really close to me and then it was my turn to stiffen. I wanted so badly to wrap my arms around her, but I didn't want to spook her. Her eyes were currently glued to the center of my chest. I decided not to react and see what she would do. I glanced back up to see Cohen rubbing his chest, but he was grinning, as Lexi told him, "Don't think for one second I've been blind to the hookers you've been spending time with at the same time you've been flirting with me."

"You wouldn't give me the time of day, Babe. What's a guy supposed to do?" Cohen said, still grinning and clearly aware the kind of rampage his words would bring.

"Ugh! Men! You're supposed to wait for me to get my mind right, you dumbass!" Lexi practically yelled.

Cohen burst out laughing, before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him, "You finally going to give me a shot?"

Lexi sighed, "Yea."

I glanced down at Quinn again. I wanted to ask her if she was willing to give me a shot, but I held back. I needed to treat her with kid gloves and tread lightly. I didn't know who or what had hurt her, but there was sorrow in the depth of her eyes. I wanted her to confide in me. I wanted her to depend on me. I needed to prove that I was trustworthy first and maybe, once I proved that I could be a constant person in her life, then we could have what I wanted. I wanted it all with her.

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