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I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I liked being around Dylan. I liked these new feelings, both physically and emotionally. I liked Dylan. He could be sweet, but he was also fun and sexy. My first kiss had been amazing and I instinctively knew everything I did with Dylan would be equally or more amazing. When Cohen asked where he should go, I knew I could have said "take me home" and they would. I could have said "take me to Lexi's" and they would. I thought about my lonely, depressing apartment and knew I didn't want to go there. I thought of Lexi's, but knew she probably wasn't ready to say goodnight to Cohen yet. When it came down to it, though, my answer wasn't based on what Lexi wanted. It was based on what I wanted. I wasn't ready to say goodnight to Dylan yet either.

Dylan squeezed my hand as we entered their apartment. Cohen went straight to the kitchen, asking, "Who wants a drink?"

"I do!" Lexi said, following him.

Dylan raised an eyebrow at me and I shook my head, so he hollered, "Quinn and I are good."

"You can drink, if you want. I can take a cab home later." Quinn told me.

Dylan shook his head, "No, I'll be driving you home, if that's what you want. I want you to stay though. You can sleep on the couch or you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Or we could share your bed?" I asked, softly.

Dylan smiled, "We can definitely do that and, Quinn, I want you to know that nothing has to happen. Just because things got a little carried away in the car, doesn't mean I expect anything from you. I like you, Quinn, a lot and it isn't just physical for me."

"Truth or Dare time!" Cohen announced as they joined us.

Lexi groaned, "Ugh, that's so juvenile."

"You have a better idea to pass the time?" Cohen asked her, wiggling his eyebrows.

She just grinned and said, "Dylan, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Dylan said, automatically.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad do you want to get into Quinn's pants? Ten being desperate."

I glared at Lexi, but then Dylan said, "A million."

Lexi giggled and Cohen said, "Da-amn!"

Dylan just winked at me and said, "How about you, Quinn? Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I whispered.

"I'll go with Lexi's scale theme and say, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your first kiss? Ten being amazing." Dylan sent me a boyish grin, but I also sensed that he was worried. He wanted me to think of my first kiss as amazing.

I grinned and said, "A million."

Dylan visibly relaxed and Lexi crooned, "Awwww."

"Truth or Dare, Cohen?" I asked.

"Dare." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Shit, what did I know about this game? Nothing. I mean, the basics I understood, but I didn't know what a good dare would be. Did I dare him to go outside and streak naked? Should I dare him to tell Lexi how deeply his feelings ran for her? Absolutely not, I decided. Finally, feeling lame, I settled with, "I want you to go into your kitchen, find the biggest cup you own and go knock on your neighbor's door to ask for a cup of sugar."

Cohen shrugged, went to the kitchen, found a cup bigger than I'd imaged and exited the apartment. Lexi followed him, laughing. A short minute later, they both returned. Lexi was laughing and Cohen was frowning. His cup was empty. Dylan asked, "What happened?"

"The dude next door answered his door buck naked and, let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight. When I asked him for the sugar he told me to get lost, but then told Lexi she could come inside and have anything she wanted." Cohen explained and Lexi burst out laughing all over again, but he said, "Truth or Dare, Lex."

"Dare." She said, through her giggles.

"I dare you to take off your dress right now."

Lexi shrugged and the next thing I knew, her dress was tossed to the floor and then she stood in only her black bra and barely-there panties. She was clearly comfortable with her body and why not? She had perfect curves. Cohen groaned, in apparent agony, and I glanced at Dylan, to see if he seemed to be as taken with Lexi's body as his friend was. I was surprised to find Dylan's eyes on me and not Lexi's bare skin. His eyes dipped, lazily, to my mouth, and a soft smile tugged at his lips.

"Quinn, truth or dare?" Lexi asked, as she settled onto Cohen's lap. Cohen wasn't doing any complaining and his hands started to roam.

"Uh, dare?" I voiced it like a question, but I was tired of always playing it safe.

Lexi clapped and said, "I dare you to help Dylan take his shirt off and then you have to lick his abs, starting at the top and not stopping until your tongue touches the top of his pants."

"That's so high school." Cohen complained.

"Shut it!" Lexi said and watched me, eagerly.

Uh, ok, I could do this. I turned toward Dylan and reached for the buttons of his shirt, slowly opening them, one-by-one. He watched me intently and his eyes clearly told me that I didn't have to do this, if I didn't want to. I knew he'd get me out of it, if that's what I wanted, but I didn't want to get out of it. For some reason I felt like I had to do this. Cohen was right, this was high school shit. We were in college now, so this should be no big deal. Besides, all that, I kind of couldn't wait to get my tongue on him. So I pushed his shirt off his shoulders and he helped me peel it off completely.

I swallowed, seeing him shirtless for the first time. It was very clear that he was an athlete. His body was toned and his abs...holy shit...he was ripped. He looked delicious and I licked my lips, as I moved closer. As soon as my tongue touched him and began moving downward, he sucked in his breath. I wanted to smile, but I was on a mission. The lower I got, the more my own body began to hum. I was aroused, I realized. I also wanted to do much more with Dylan, than just lick his abs. I wanted to do it all.

As soon as my tongue touched the waistband of his slacks, Dylan hauled me up, cupped the back of my neck, and brought my lips to his. As his mouth slanted across mine, he wound his hands into my hair, holding me in place. I was vaguely aware of Cohen and Lexi making "Ooooo" noises, but I ignored them, even as I heard Cohen chuckle, "I guess the game is over."

I felt Dylan wave his friend away, but he didn't break our kiss. Lexi giggled and asked, "Are you good, Quinn?"

I gave her a thumbs up and then they left us alone, finally. I moved to straddle his lap and this time Dylan didn't have to guide my hips in a grinding motion. I moved all on my own now and earned a moan from him. He tore his mouth from mine and placed his lips against my neck for the first time. I tilted my head to give him better access. Before things got too heated, though, I needed to tell him where my head was at, "Dylan?"


I grabbed a fist full of his hair and gently tugged, so I could look him in the eyes when I said, "I'm really starting to like your touches. I think I could become quite addicted, actually."

"But?" He asked, as a frown marred his forehead.

"But, I think I need to keep my clothes on, for now."

"Okay." He said and then went back to kissing my neck.

I groaned and pulled his head back up, "Just okay?"

Dylan smiled, "Babe, I already told you earlier that we didn't have to do anything tonight. You said to keep your clothes on, but you didn't tell me to stop kissing you. I never want to stop kissing you."


"Okay?" He asked, grinning. "What exactly are you Okaying?"

"Take me to your bedroom, give me a shirt to sleep in, and kiss me all night long." I tell him, impulsively and that's exactly what he did.

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