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When I woke up the following morning, my brain felt fuzzy. I tried to open my eyes, but the sunlight streaming through the window made my head hurt. Wait a minute? I had dark curtains on my windows and I never had them open. I bolted to a sitting position and groaned in agony. Damn, Lexi and her "let's just have a few pre-drinks" plan. I rubbed my temple and glanced around the room. I was on a couch in a plush apartment. Damn, whoever lived here had money. At least I wasn't in bed with anyone, but...oh shit. I glanced down and I was no longer wearing the clothes I'd borrowed from Lexi last night. Instead, I wore a t-shirt several sizes too big and only the t-shirt. The shirt, I noticed, smelled clean and was soft, like it had been worn a lot. It, oh God, it had the number forty-three on the front. Shit, if I remembered right, that was Dylan's football number.

"You're awake." His deep voice made me jump and I whirled on the couch, but frantically straightened the t-shirt to make sure it still covered my nakedness.

"Uh, yea, how did I...what am I doing here? You live here?"

"Cohen and I share the place. You're here because neither you, nor Lexi, could tell us where you two lived last night."

My eyes widened, "Where is Lexi?"

"She's, uh..." Dylan rubbed the back of his neck, as he glanced down the hall.

"Holy shit, she spent the night with Cohen?" I gasped.

Dylan nodded, "I didn't think it was a good idea either, but they seemed to both be...enjoying themselves."

"Wow." I glanced down, shyly, muttering, "And I'm wearing your shirt?"


"Did you change my clothes?"

"Yea...well, I mean, I helped you. I kept the lights off and I didn't see anything. I didn't touch you inappropriately or anything. I mean...really all I did was make sure you didn't face-plant into my coffee table. Other than that..."

"Dylan, I know you didn't do anything inappropriate. If you had, I would have woken up in your bed instead of alone on the couch." I tell him and realize the truth was, I trusted him. It might sound crazy, considering I barely knew him.

"You should probably know that I wanted to."

"Wanted to?" I asked, frowning in confusion.

Dylan nodded, "I wanted to be very, very inappropriate with you last night."

"Um..." I tried to swallow passed the lump in my throat. My body felt tingly all of a sudden. Was this what arousal felt like? His words excited me, so that was the only logical explanation. Shit, I was too inexperienced for this! I shook my head at myself and blurted, "You should probably know that not only am I a virgin, but I've had zero experience with guys. I mean zero. I haven't even kissed anyone yet."

Dylan's eyes widened, but he seemed to collect himself as he said, "Uh, well, I'd guessed the virgin part, but the kissing part surprises me. Has every male you've ever come in contact with been complete morons?"

I scoffed, "Oh please, I'm nothing special. Besides, I didn't really give any of them a chance. I...my mom and I moved around a lot. I didn't build any relationships along the way."

"I think you're pretty special." He spoke so quietly, I wasn't sure I heard him correctly.

I suddenly became very uncomfortable being so underdressed, "Um, maybe I should put on more clothing than just your t-shirt."

His eyes widened again, before they dipped down my form, before he growled, "You're not wearing underwear?"

"Uh..." I didn't know whether to admit it or not. His eyes had turned from aqua blue to an electric blue. I shivered and it wasn't because I was cold. Shit, what did I do now? A "normal" girl my age would know, but I didn't. I felt inept, but the unspoken promises in Dylan's eyes told me he didn't find me lacking.

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