Welcome Home, Kano!

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In Kano's previous adventure, she had recently returned to Japan from studying abroad in England for two years after the death of her Mother, who had died of cancer. The school that she was attending is a night school and that was when she met the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers. Kano had learnt that her ancestor, Katsumi Hayashi, was the Mukami brothers' old friend from the Orphanage and the Sakamaki brothers' adopted sister. Kano began to befriend the vampires and she became close to them and the vampire brothers fell in love with her just like how they fell in love with Katsumi.

However, aside from Kano's work as an Idol, she also works as a vampire hunter including her friend Remi Kurosaki. Around this time they met a She-Devil named Louisa Fujimoto who was once an enemy to the vampires and the vampire hunters but after Takeo betrayed her by sending someone to kill her, Louisa had a change of heart and she's now friends with Kano and her friends. Kano and her friends had learnt that Takeo brought back Katsumi to life only to use her to kill her friends and family.

The fight was tough but, Kano was able to help Katsumi to break herself free from Takeo's grip and with her help they were able to stop Takeo and his demon powers. After Takeo was defeated, Katsumi's body crumbled to pieces and her soul is now resting in peace.

Now that things are at peace, Kano has gone to America, New York, to star in a film. Little did Kano and her friends know, that something unexpected is about to happen in Kano's next adventure...



I opened my eyes and I wasn't on the plane anymore but I was standing outside of the Hayashi Manor. I was confused at what was going on at first but that was when I heard a girl crying. I walked over to the source and I noticed her kneeling down on the ground crying her eyes out next to two gravestones.

"Mother!! Father!! why'd you leave me alone?!!"

My felt broke for her so I tried placing my hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her until someone came along and they said to her.

"It's time to go, Katsumi."

My eyes widen at this and when the small girl stood up and she turned around and it was her.


I shouted in a surprised tone. I was confused at what was going on until the whole scene changed. I looked around some more and I was in a dark forest. I heard gunfire in the distant.

"What on earth...?"

I mumbled as I heard something running towards me. I saw a young Katsumi running for her life and then a bullet shot through her chest from behind her back and she then collapsed onto the ground.

I covered my mouth when I watched this horror that was happening in front of me. Just then I heard something big approaching Katsumi and it was Aoi. I was shocked at this and he looked down at a dying Katsumi. I looked at Katsumi and she looked at Aoi and she said to him.

"You're....a blue flame Nekomanta..."

"Yes, I am, I've seen that look in your eyes Katsumi, I also know that you don't want to die if you really want to live then think carefully..."

Aoi glared at Katsumi. Katsumi continued to look at Aoi as he asked her that question.

"I can save you from death, however, should you choose this, then you and your children and their children's children will be stuck with me and my powers for all eternity if you refuse, I will leave you here to die with no one to save you."

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