Raiden's Rock Night

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I was humming away as I helped some of my classmates decorate the classroom before classes started. Louisa noticed my happy look and she then said to me.

"You seem cheerful."

"It's because it's that time of the year again and Otu-san will be coming home as well once the holidays start."

"Lucky for you."

I looked at Louisa as I got off the stool and I said to her.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I'm planning to home this year but..."

"You also want to stay here for Christmas huh?"

Louisa nodded her head and I then said to her.

"Don't be like that Louisa, just be happy that you're going home for Christmas after all, your Mother is the only family that you've got."

Louisa smiled at me and she nodded her head.

"I suppose you're right, that reminds me, Yui seems a bit sad, have you noticed?"

"Yeah, from what Remi told me, Yui is sad because her father isn't coming home for Christmas due to his workload, but, I know a way to cheer her up."


"I can invite her over to Christmas dinner, Remi is coming along as well, you can join us if you want."

"Really? thanks, Kano."

Louisa said with a smile. Just then, the bell rang and then we got to our seats before the teacher came in. The teacher was talking about our class doing different Christmas events and a charity for us to support as well.

"Now does anyone have any suggestions what Charity we can donate our money?"

Some of the students were thinking of one and they haven't come up with anything yet so I put my hand up and I spoke up.

"I have a suggestion Sensei."

"Go ahead, Miss Hayashi."

"After Oka-san got brain cancer, she and I used to donate our money to the children who also have Brain cancer."

The students were surprised at first but they smiled at this idea and the teacher liked this idea as well.

"That's an excellent choice, does anyone else have a suggestion?"

The students didn't say anything except they all liked this idea.

"No, OK then, now that we've chosen this charity, I want all of you to come up with some ideas for different events that we can raise money and Miss Hayashi since you were the one who suggested this charity to us, I want you to be in charge."

"Yes, Ma'am."

I said with a smile and I heard the triplets groan. Once the teacher left and during break time, some of the students were giving me some ideas for the events we can do. Remi then spoke up.

"How about we do a raffle?"

"That sounds like a good idea, but I kinda like the idea of pieing someone in the face."

"Take this seriously Kano!"

Remi shouted at me and I giggled at her.

"Sorry, anyway, here's what I think we should do."

I discussed my idea to Remi and I also included everyone else's ideas. Once we double checked to see how the event was going to go, Remi liked the idea and she then said to me.

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