Things Are About To Get Worse From Here

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Raiden and I tried our best to fight off Koga but he was stronger than he looked. Raiden got behind him and then he strikes him with his large phantom paw but he ended up missing Koga after he dodged his attack. I got my sword ready, I charged at Koga but he blocks my attack with his black sword.

"Heh, nice try but I'm not falling for that old distraction trick!"

"Oh yeah?"

I said with a smirk and then Raiden was above Koga and he shouted.

"Phantom claw strike!!"

Raiden tried to attack Koga with his claws but he missed, barely, as Koga had an injury on his left arm. Koga looked at the injury on his arm and he then glared at us.

"Your teamwork is impressive but, it won't be enough to stop me."

"Shut up!!"

Raiden shouted as he tried to attack Koga but then, he summoned a black shadow in front of him and then Raiden to a halt when he heard a familiar voice.

"Big brother stop!"

Raiden's eyes wide and he then mumbled.


I frowned at Koga and I swung my sword making my blue flames appear and then they struck Koga, which sent him flying. I ran over to Raiden and I then hit his head with my fist.

"OW!! what was that for?!"

"To snap you out of it! this is exactly what Ronin was warning us about, this one of Koga's tricks!"

"Oh right, I got careless then, thanks, Kano."

"Well, don't let it happen again."

I warned Raiden and then Koga emerged from the shadows and his injury on his arm was healed up. Koga frowned and he then looked at my sword.

"A demon slayer's sword huh? I thought that design looked familiar, so you're one of them."

"And you're just now noticing? looks like Oreo-sama isn't the only clueless arrogant idiot around here."



I sneezed a little and I then looked around a little.

"Who's talking about me?"

I mumbled a little and then we saw the battle and some kind of portal that was very close to opening.


"Hmpf, it doesn't matter who or what you are, you and your boyfriend here are going to die."

I blushed a little when Koga called Raiden my boyfriend. Raiden also blushed a little and I shouted.

"He's not my boyfriend! he's my best friend! getting a man right now is the last thing on my mind!!"

"Kano, don't listen to him, he's just trying to wind you up."



Raiden said as he looked away and I then glared at Koga. Koga smirked at me and he then said to me.

"You two still think you can win? and this is why I find humans so annoying, they die to easily and they're weak as well."

"You have no room to talk, you were a human once before you became this monster."

"Heh, and I'm glad to be this guy today, nobody accepted me for what I am because of this power that I've been cursed with and Katsumi was the only one who comforted my loneliness but did she do? she dumps me over that pathetic husband Hikaru! now that she's gone, my heart darkened and then, Takeo came along and this is who I am now."

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