The Fight Begins

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In the distance of Koga's castle, Karlheinz looked out of his window and he can clearly see the sky darkening and he also knew that spelt trouble. The vampire brothers can also sense that something wasn't right.

"What's going on over there?

Ayato asked as he noticed the dark presence. Reiji frowned and he then spoke up.

"I don't know, whatever is going on over there it's not good."

"Nii-san we need to get going! Kano-chan could be in trouble!"

Shin said to Carla and he nodded his head in agreement.

"Right, let's go."

The vampire brothers left the castle and Karl watched them leave. Just then, a spirit eagle appeared and it landed on Karl's arm and it said to him.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let them leave? do you know how strong Koga is? especially now that he's a vampire?"

Karl smirked and he looked at the spirit eagle and he said to her.

"Of course I do, but, I wouldn't worry much after all Ronin and his son are out there, they'll protect Kano and if they fail...well, that's on them."

"You were always the cold and sneaky one, otu-san."

The spirit eagle said before she flew off into the night sky.

"I know, Katsumi."

Back in Koga's castle, Kano and the others managed to get to the courtyard in time and they watched Koga performing some kind of ritual.

"What the hell? what is going on over there?"

"Looks like Koga is about to open the gate the spirit world, let's take him down!!"

Kino shouted before he charged towards him. Kano then shouted.

"Kino wait!!"

Too late, Koga sensed him coming and then he used his shadow spell on him which sent Kino flying onto the ground.


I was shocked by this and I ran over to Kino's side. I knelt down to him and I said to him.

"Kino are you all right?"

"I think so but, I can't move."

Ronin came over to us and he then spoke up.

"That was Koga's dark night storm get touched by it and you won't be able to move for the next five minutes."

"Great! now you tell us!!"

Kino shouted angrily and then Koga started chuckling evilly. We looked at him and he then said to us.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up, if it isn't the little descendant of the traits Katsumi, the son of Karl Sakamaki, the great demon snake Suske and the famous king of the Bakenekos."

Koga said as he looked at Ronin who was frowning him.

"Koga, what exactly are you even trying to accomplish here?"

"Why you ask? isn't it obvious? I'm going to rule the two worlds and there's nothing you can do about it, immortality does have it's advantages you know but for you demons it's different, you've gone grey Ronin, you're not as strong as you were before."

I looked at Ronin and he looked calm as he glared at Koga.

'Ronin looks so calm, I can see why he wanted me and Raiden to focus on the fight, he wants to make sure we don't fall victim to his tricks.'

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