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Attraction [Noun]
The action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking someone for something.

A sharp pain was radiating from his head and back. Gavin could feel blood running down his face. He cracked open his eyes and looked around. The first thing he noticed was the windshield, completely shattered. Glass littered his lap and his arms had numerous cuts.

He looked to his left, and saw Michael's unconscious form above him. He sat forward, but almost screamed when the movement jarred his wing. Gavin hissed, and slid from the seat.

He didn't need to unbuckle the seatbelt as it had been cut during the crash. He crawled onto the side of the seat and reached up towards Michael. The Cat-Hybrid's ears were twitching, signaling that he was waking up.

"Michael," Gavin whispered, as it hurt too much to speak above that. Michael just groaned, and Gavin took a deep breath.

"Michael!" Gavin said louder, voice breaking. He bent over and started coughing, shuddering when he coughed up blood. He looked up through his tears, and saw Michael blinking down at him.

"Gavin?" Gavin nodded, motioning for him to keep talking. "You okay?"

"Ye-s," the winged man wheezed. "You?"

Michael moved to the seatbelt, telling Gavin to move. Gavin shuffled back, and Michael fell onto the seat on all fours, before moving to a crouch. He rolled his shoulders, and pointed to the broken window.

"Wanna get outta here?" Gavin nodded, and Michael went through first. He crawled through, glass scratching his arms. Gavin followed, and he didn't even notice a particularly large piece of glass tearing into his hurt wing until he was through.

Michael fished around in his pocket, pulling out his phone. "FUCK. Screen's smashed." He held up the phone, and small shards of glass fell into the grass. Gavin reached into his back pocket, wincing when the movement pulled his hurt wing, and got his.

"He-re," he whispered, handing Michael his phone. The cat-Hybrid unlocked it, and quickly called Geoff.

As Michael put it on speaker, Gavin limped to a tree and sat down against it. He was shaking.

Michael noticed he was pale. He also saw the other's mouth working furiously. Michael narrowed his eyes, and went to ask if Gavin was okay when Geoff answered.


"Geoff. It's me."

"Michael? Is everything alright? Why did you call on Gavin's phone?"

"Because mine's all smashed. We got ambushed by Cole and his gang. Yeah. I'm fine, just a little beat up, but Gavin," Michael lowered his voice before continuing. "Gav isn't, uhh, looking to hot. He might be in shock."

"Where are you?"

"We got knocked off the highway around Exit 45. Yeah. Um, we hit a big rock. I can't see the road, no. Yeah, that sounds good. Mmhmm, I'll see you soon, hopefully."

Michael hung up, and walked to the back of the car, keeping Gavin in his sight. He opened the trunk, sidestepping the stuff that fell out. He fished around, finding what he was looking for, and made his way to the other.

Gavin was out of it, that much he was certain of. He was still mouthing words, but no noise came out. Michael wasn't even sure he could make any.

He crouched in front of Gavin. His blue-green eyes were far away. Michael gently put a hand on his shoulder, but pulled away when Gavin flinched.

"Gav, buddy." Gavin didn't make any indication that he heard Michael save for a slight movement of his head. Michael kept talking. "Hey, you okay buddy?" Gavin's eyes lifted slightly from the ground. No, then. Michael held up what he grabbed, a first aid kit.

"May I patch you up? You're bleeding pretty badly."

A pause. Then a barely-there nod. But Michael saw it. He moved to Gavin shoulder, opening the kit and pulling out gauze.

As he was tending to Gavin's wounds, he noticed that he was shaking more, but the color was coming back to his skin and his looked more alert.

Gavin closed his eyes against the familiar burning. He hoped Michael didn't notice the tears that slipped out from his eyelids.

Michael didn't mention them, but he took Gavin's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, and Gavin wasn't going to complain.

As Michael finished patching him up, Gavin felt exhaustion close in over him. His eyes were still closed, and Michael heard his breathing even out.

He didn't have a warning, however, when Gavin pressed into him, completely asleep.

Michael blinked, ear twitching, before tucking the other under his arm. He put his head on top of Gavin, and shut his eyes.

That's where Geoff and Jack found them, asleep under a tree. They didn't want to move them, but they had to. So Jack took Gavin, and Geoff took Michael, and they carried them to the car. They placed them in the back seat, where they both immediately moved closer together.

They rode in silence.


[This is from when the chapter was written:]

I just watched Uno: The Movie and I hate myself more than I've ever hated myself for sitting through that.

So to distract me, I present you a new chapter.

This was written at like, 3 in the morning.

Sorry for missing the last few updates. I've been without internet the past few weeks.
It's also short, sorry about that, too.
But it's the start of Mavin!

However, I'm hoping to get another chapter out relatively soon.

Comments and Critique strongly appreciated.

Find me at

[From Today]

So, again, sorry for not posting these! I forgot that I even had a Wattpad, let alone had this story on it!

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