Chapter Eight

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Remington: I'm gald we talked yesterday.

Me: Yeah, it was good to talk instead of typing.

Remington: We should meet up some day.

Me: Yeah, that would be great.

Remington: Maybe you could come here one day and see us preform.

Me: One day.

Remington: So, what are you doing?

Me: Listening to you guys actully, wbu?

Remington: Writing new songs.

Me: Cool ☺

Remington: Would you have enough  money for a plane ticket if you stayed with me?

Me: Maybe.

Remington: Okay, well of you can get a ticket you can stay with me and my brothers.

Me: Really?

Remington: Yeah, it would be awesome.

Me: Well, we'll have to see what happens.

Remington: Hopefully we can meet in person, I have to go 😕

Me: Yeah hopefully, okay.

Remington: Talk to you later.

Me: Okay, bye ☺

Remington: Bye ☺

Texting Remington LeithWhere stories live. Discover now