Chapter Thirty

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Warning: Anxiety Attack (I didn't know if this needed to be put up but I did just in case)

"Just fuck off" Emerson says, we soon see Annie walk into the room, oh god, Remington moves closer to me as Annie looks at me before saying "you broke up with me for this bitch!?" Rem says "don't fucking call her that and yes I broke up with you for her, you cheated on me numerous times and fucking lied to me!" Annie says "I never did that babe"  Rem stands up and says "don't call me that!" And they start yelling at each other, my breathing becomes uneven, I'm not good with yelling especially arguments, Em looks at me before rushing over to me and taking my hand pulling me into his room, we sit on the floor and he closes the door before saying "Y/N, calm down It's okay just breathe" I look at the floor not being able to focus, Em sits next to me and holds my hands while I try focusing on my breathing, soon after we hear a door slam and running coming closer to the door before Rem walks into the room, he sits on the other side of me and says "god, I'm sorry" I smile and say "It's okay, my anxiety just gets triggered a lot" he pulls me into a tight hug and says "I'm so, so sorry" I smile and say "Rem, it's okay it wasn't your fault" he lets go of me and says "thanks Em" he nods and says "no problem" Rem stands up and says "hey, lets go watch movies" Em and I nod and walk into the living room to watch movies with Rem and Seb.

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