4. BIG, awkward and tight situations

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As Frank was being prodded in the arm by somebody's bony finger, he squinted at the bright lights that were on in the room and lifted his head up from Gerard shoulder and scowled as his eyes searched the room and stopped on a pair of legs. His eyes followed them to find the owner of the black trouser limb to see the head teacher scowling down at him, slight confusion hidden in-between the crease of his brow.

"WAKE UP" He shouted loudly and aggressively.

Both boys jumped from their places -even the teacher on his desk-, Gerard head picking up quickly as his head looked around like a like a meerkat "W-what?" He questioned groggily, his eyes scanned the room and as soon as they caught sight the head teacher, he stumbled to his feet with eyes swapping from the man down to Frank still half sat on the floor half asleep.

"Sir!" His eyes were wide and panicky.

"Gerard..." The teacher raised an eyebrow cockily.

"E-erm I-I um h-he" Gerard stuttered as if he had been caught in the act of buttsecks by his mum...

"What were you doing sleeping on each others shoulders?" The head teacher questioned with curiosity.

Frank looked up at the teacher "We were tired" He pointed out.

"I see that, but you hate each other" The teacher scowled at both the boys.

"Not any-"

"Yeah..y-yeah we do b-but he must have came up to me and slept next to me aswell" Gerard lied as he backed away slightly. He glanced at Frank whos face looked like it was about to shatter, he looked broken, confused and so hurt it started to make Gerard heart ache.

Frank shook his head in disappointment and stood up "Yeah, t-that's what happened sir." Frank frowned at the floor and wandered over to a chair in the corner of the room, he sat there as silent as a mouse and fiddle with the loose thread on his hoodie.

He felt his eyes prick with tears, but cleared his blurry vision with a heavy sigh.

"Alright" Said the teacher "I'll be back in an hour to check on you" He walked off leaving the boys -and the confused (still sleepy) teacher- alone once more.

Gerard looked down in shame at his shoes, he looked up and glanced at the teacher who flashed him a crooked smile. He didn't return it as he sighed and looked at a miserable Frank across the room.

"Frankie" He whispered, he was surprised Frank even heard it when he responded.

"Don't" He said sternly, refusing to look up at the other boy.

Gerard said nothing more, he wandered over closer to Frank and went to sit next to him until Frank stopped him.

"Go away" 

"But Frank, I-i'm sorry" Gerard said, his voice was sad and he was clearly guilty.

Frank squeezed his eyes shut, and glanced at Gerards sorry face "What the fuck was that?" He whispered hoarsely.

"I-I really don't know" The other boy side and sat down, slouching in the chair next to him.

Frank rolled his eyes and looked away from the boy.

"Frank" Gerard placed his hand on Franks shoulder gently, as Frank shrugged him off and moved his chair away "Frankie?" He questioned "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did it, I-I just panicked-"

"You made me look like a fucking idiot- you're the fucking idiot!" Frank snapped "You snitched on me and then you just fucking- ah" Frank growled internally for letting it happen again. He just crushed him again.

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