24. Revenge

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Again, Gerard was severely depressed. All hope was lost that Frank would ever forgive him, he was told by Frank himself, there was no point in trying anymore, therefore there was no hope left and all possibility disappeared. 

All Gerard wanted was to forget everything that happened, and of course that was easier said than done, and also impossible since he thought about him every single second. He was losing the will to live, Mikey had tried so many times to wake him up or go to school but nothing worked, everything he did just seemed to go through one ear and out the other.

Gerard refused to do anything and became impossibly worse then last time he was laid in bed crying his eyes out and wiping his snotty nose on reused tissues. He cringed and through it aimlessly at the bin, missing by a mile off. He knew there was no way anyone could convince him to go to school and face Frank.

Even if his father came in and beat the shit out of him, the pain wouldn't come close to the broken and shattered shards of his heart that ripped his inside apart, it was fucking painful.

He knew what he should do to forget all of this, and he knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn't do it and he knew it would be a mistake and he would regret it. But right now he was regretting his whole life existence, if it meant having a few hours to relax than so be it. He would do anything to just forget about the boy.

He sighed and sat up, his eyesight went wobbly as he went light headed and watched as the empty bottle of vodka rolled out of his hand. His head hurt, his eyes stung and his chest ached. He was a broken, depressed, hungover cheater and wanted nothing but to die, so maybe put suicidal on the list.

He stood up and stumble messily until he could see straight, he was fucked. He kicked an empty beer bottle out of his pathway and stumbled to his bathroom, well, he fell over and tripped but eventually he got the door frame and clung on for dear life.

A horrible burning came from the pit of his stomach and he felt a bug burp erupting- either that or he seriously needed to puke. It was definitely the latter since he hurried over to the toilet and violently emptied his guts up into the bowl. It wasn't like he ate anything to puke up but he was looking at all the alcohol and booze that he had drank over the past 24 hours.

He sighed and cringed as he tumbled on to the floor and rested his head against the toilet seat. He knew he was fucked up, he knew his life was a mess and he was a-

"You're a mess!" Mikey exclaimed in annoyance as he came into view at the bathroom doorframe.

Gerard rolled his eyes and the room began to spin "shit..." He muttered, he felt like he was going to pass out.

Mikey trudged towards him and took him by the arm "Get up- jesus Gerard!" He groaned as he pulled him up.

Gerard stumbled and fell but stood up and pulled his arm out of his brothers grip. He staggered to his bedroom and looked at all the empty alcohol bottles and cans, he even forgot where they came from.

"Why are you doing this?" Mikey asked sadly, his eyes wandering over the messy and smelly bedroom.

Gerard shrugged and chuckled "I'm depressed and of course, I'm the heart broken Romeo!" He exclaimed and scowled.

"Gerard, you're better than this" Mikey pleaded and looked at his poor brother.

Gerard huffed "Whatever, i'm not good enough for dear ol' Frankie boy!" He waved his arms about and rummidged through his wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" Mikey frowned and wandered over to his brother.

Gerard shrugged and pulled out a random black hoodie "I'm going out" He slured and pulled the hoodie on.

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