Chapter 12

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Vodka...that was the thing I used the most now. I needed something to hide my thoughts and fears, to make the pain go away. That was alcohol.
The best time of my life was fading farther and farther from my grasp, I was missing so much because of my problems.

It was after a show, we had just finished a set and everyone was still on their concert high. I pounded another shot, as the world began to spin. Trying to ignore it, I stumbled over to grab some food.

"Sara? You alright?" Stevie asked from behind me. I turned around almost falling over, "Yeaaaah Steph it's allll good!" 

She raised her eyebrows, "Really?" I nodded, "Tooootally."
"Honey, you've been doing this for weeks." Stevie commented. I shook my head, "Sheesh Stephanie, I want to have fuuuun!!" Throwing my arms in the air I wiggled my fingers in her face before stumbling over to more booze.

What happened next I don't remember too much, but what I heard was I started chugging tequila. Glenn walked up to me, "Seraphina, you need to stop!"
Taking the bottle out of my mouth I gave him a questioning look, "Why?"
"Because you're drinkin' way too much and its worrying people." Don interrupted. Glenn snatched the bottle out of my hands as I looked at his bandmate.

"What the hell?" I yelled, trying to focus on the two men standing in front of me. First there were two pairs of them, then four, and then the room spun worse than ever before. I held myself up with the wall as it spun faster and faster.
"Um, I this isn't, um right. I-I-I-I" I stammered, the last thing I remember was me falling to the ground. While hearing Glenn and Don call out my name.

Glenn's POV:

We all had been worrying about Seraphina for a long time, ever since she had those dreams she was drinking more. I didn't tell the others about her dreams. Stevie planned a meeting though, Bernie was in charge of Sara, and the rest of us met in Steph's room. 

Stevie ushered us all into her hotel room, closing the door once we all entered. I looked over at the coffee table, dozens of bottles were piled up. Steves herself looked tired, dark circles were starting to form under her brown eyes. Her gold hair was piled onto her head with one single pin.

"We need to talk about Sara." She sighed, Don squeezed her shoulders. "Those bottles are all ones I dug up in her room." Her dark eyes began to fill with tears causing Don to wrap his arm around her waist. Randy gazed at the bottles, "Holy shit." I nodded my head slightly, "What are we going to do?"

Stevie tried to pull herself together, "We have to talk to her, one of us, all of us, or whatever! This can't keep going on!"

"But why is this going on?" Randy asked, "Has she done this before?" I wondered the same thing, I wondered if the dreams had anything to do with it, and if this had happened before because of it.

The short blonde nodded, "It has, and last time it didn't end well. We can't let that happen again." A tear fell down her cheek.
"What caused it?" Don asked softly. Stevie shook her head, "I'm not sure if I should tell you guys, Sara doesn't like to talk about it."

I scratched the back of my head, "But if it has to do with this shouldn't we know?" Don nodded, "Yeah Steph shouldn't we?"
"No, its not my place." She sighed slowly, trying to keep herself from crying.

"We can try talking to her tonight after the show." Randy spoke up from the corner. "One of us can or two of us or whatever it takes." I had never seen him so determined, even when we were trying to make it as a band. Seraphina meant something to all of us, and we didn't want to lose her.


Backstage that night, Sara seemed to be drinking more. First it was beer, then whiskey, now vodka. Stevie rushed to her friend's side, she couldn't hide her distress as Sara brushed off her concern. Wandering past the short blonde, in search of more booze.

I looked away for a few moments then Don grabbed my shoulder, "Look!" He whispered. Now Seraphina had moved on to tequila. Gasping, Don and I ran over. "Seraphina! You gotta stop!" I called out to her.
"Whhhy?" She mumbled. "Because you're drinkin' way too much and it's worrying people." Don responded.

"What the hell?!" She slurred as I grabbed the bottle out of her hands. Sara started to wobble, trying to lean up against the wall. "Ummm, I this isn't, um right. I-I-I" She grabbed the wall but her legs buckled underneath her and she passed out.

Don and I ran towards her, "Seraphina?!" Bending down I started to shake her, "Seraphina? Wake up!"
"She isn't breathing! Someone call an ambulance!" Don yelled, Stevie ran over. "What happened?! Sara please! Wake up!" She was crying so hard it got to the point it was impossible to understand her. Don wrapped his arms around her as Randy called the paramedics. "Does anyone know cpr?" Bernie raised his hand, "Yeah, everyone stand back some."  He tried to do mouth to mouth on her, luckily the paramedics burst through the backstage doors. 

"Everyone get back!" One man yelled as the others started checking for a pulse. "She's barely breathing, hand me the oxygen." Once they stuck the mask on her, she was picked up, and placed on a stretcher. "Who's coming with? We can only have one." the other man said to us. I looked around, Stevie was sobbing uncontrollably and no one else was stepping forward. "Me." I said surprisingly calm as they waved me over to the exit. I took one last look at Stevie crying in Don's arms. He nodded, "We'll follow behind you."

In the ambulance I finally got a moment for it all to sink in, she had alcohol poisoning and we let it get this bad. Reaching over I grabbed her limp hand, it was so cold. She was breathing very slowly, almost impossible to notice if I wasnt staring at her. "Please Seraphina, just pull through. I know you're strong enough." I whispered.

A/N: Wow its been awhile, I'm not too sure how I like this but gotta update someday lol. Thanks for all the reads, this fics is getting more than I thought it would! 

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