Silent Truths, Loud Lies ((Name Suggestion?)) Chapter 9

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FINALYY!!! I finished a full chapter for this story. \(O.O)/

it took so long... and honestly i want to finish it now, but then it'd be too Rushed like "Twin.." and i don't want to rush it. Maybe rap it up in the next few chapters?

geh, anyways, i want to give up on this soon and move onto "Inai Ni Yami","White Rose:Fade To Black", and i also feel tempted to get rid of "Blue Lasts Forever" alltogether. Getting sick of the vampireness, even if noones really drinking blood or immortal. :P

well, ENJOY!!! ((and comment, please))



I carried her back home.

Didn't say a word, watching her silently dream.

What had I done...

What have I done?


When I woke up, everything wasn't blurry like usual. I was still wearing my contacts. But there was a strange dream-like quality to the world. To my room. I was... home. When did I get here? I don't remember coming... I don't remember a lot of things actually. I tried to talk - why is beyond me- but only a cry left my lips, strangled and unsure. I tried bringing my hand up to my throat but it shook to much, falling when I couldn't handle the strain on it any more.

A clutter of things came from no where, and then I was faced with a wide open door to my room, a very pale Alonso leaning against the wall. "Renata..." was all he said before he rushed to my side. I felt confusion in me as I looked on him. Then his breath hit my face, a putrid yet familiar scent... I gasped, pulling away from him immediately and reached for the night stand to my other side, hoping to pull myself away from him. But my hands were trembling so much; I was panicking too much, too, fear making me clumsy.

A sigh came from Alonso and soon I was flipped over, facing him again. Tears fell freely from my face as I stared at him. Why was he still here? Why couldn't he have just left me at home like this and left me alone to myself? Why was he doing this to me? "Leave... me alone..." I sobbed, the memories of pain from earlier seeping into my conscious. A look passed over Alonso's face but he didn't do as I ask. Exact opposite actually. Without warning, he took a blanket and wrapped me up in it before laying on the bed himself and holding me to his chest. My fear spiked even worse.

Was he still drunk? Of course he was still drunk! That's why... that's why he was acting like this and... why's everything blurring...? "I'm so sorry 'bout earlier," he slurred, running a hand through my hair. "Didn't mean to hurt you but... why torture me? You danced around me... like you wanted to be closer and that's what I wanted... so I got closer. Then you pushed me away and... It pissed me off." Without warning, he began to trail kisses over my neck. My fear went higher than a mountain top.

My strangled cries got worse. What little ability I had to talk earlier was lost to panic and fear as his lips continued exploring, until they met with my own. I was sobbing again, unable to hold back the reaction. I guess it was a natural thing because as much as I tried to hold it back, the tears wouldn't stop coming. The fear wouldn't leave me alone.

Alonso held me to his chest, rubbing circles in my back. "Don't... cry. Please don't cry... every time I see you like that... it messes with my mind..." God, this guy really had fallen hard for me. Or the me I used to be. If only I could remember. If only things could be 'normal' between us, instead of this strained relationship, where I knew nothing and he hid everything. I knew the reason he was in the library every day was because he was searching for something about me and not for a class. That's why I'd been ignoring him lately. If he didn't want me interfering, I'd leave him be. So how'd it come to this?

Silent Truths, Loud Lies ((Finished))Where stories live. Discover now