Chapter 22~

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   I looked around. I wasn't in the dark mirror cave. I was in a foot shallow pool. It seemed to never reach an end and seemed as if the water itself was a gigantic mirror. I took a few steps and watched the perfect, even, current less water ripple as a moved.
   "You're here." I turned around to see wear the feminine voice came from. A tall lady, long, perfectly braided, golden  hair was the first detail about her I noticed. Her eyes were a mystic purple as her glance met my eyes.
   Her eyes seem to make my amber colored eyes look like nothing.
   "Grace?" She nodded in response. I was, for once in my life, truly flustered. My emotions and questions bubbled throughout my mind.
   "I..." I didn't get to speak. I was pulled into a soft embrace. The white cloth of her dress was so warm and comfortable. I felt as if all the coldness, the fear, doubt, pain. It all just faded away. I was confused though.
   "U-umm what's the h-hug for?" She let go and smiled.
   "The first time I see my son in eons and..." I could see tears of joy in her eyes.
   "You've grown so much. Perhaps no physically." She gestured to my six year old looking body.
   "But your mind. Your spirit. The rest of you has just grown so much. Oh I'm rambling! Are you hungry?" I nodded eagerly. As I followed her to a table, which I'm honestly not questioning as long as I get to eat, looking at my reflection. I almost jumped in shock. My black and white striped shirt was all white and... My hair is as blonde as Grace's?!
   "Heh, you seemed surprised by your look." I pouted and sat. She laughed and handed me a sandwich. For once I was not going to take food for granted ever again. 
   "Grace?" She looked up at me from her plate with a 'hmm?' 
   "You and Hilda's story has been retold throughout centuries but I want to know from the source. How did the war start? Where is the other half of your and your sisters soul?" She smiled and set her sandwich down.
   "Alright... story time..."
   "Long ago, no eons ago, two goddesses were created by Thelo. Thelo, now simply known as the keeper of time, gave us a blank 'canvas' and we paint our creations. The first creations were evil at heart, they are now simply know as demons, they were not what the goddesses wanted. So they sealed them beneath the ground. Their next creations, pure at heart and stronger. They were angels. How ever the angels were flawless. No flaws means that there is no point so they we sent the rule the clouds. The eldest one wasn't the best at controlling her magic, and fearing the she might hurt someone she refused to use her powers often. I had more control though. I thought she was trying her hardest and I guess me rubbing the fact that I though I was better than her pushed her off the edge. The day was supposed to celebrate all creations but instead, it brought death and despair."
   "After the war our souls split in half. Two halves making your soul... and the other halves... created your brothers."
   "He can disguise his soul well but I can sense him even in this void."
   "Don't you see Chris? History always repeats itself... I'm sorry to say but... it's only a matter of time."

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