Part 1: Great Day!

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I suddenly woke up from Asuna shaking me and saying wake up. She sighed and said, do you still remember about our date? My eyes widened um y-yes.Great! then get ready she said. Soon after that, Asuna went in the bathroom to change,I changed to a long sleeve black shirt and light brown pants . When she came out, I was just surprised that she wore such beautiful clothes that looked expensive.Wow Asuna, you l-look amazing! She said thanks,you too! We walked to a resturant that was 5 stars and went inside.

Asuna POV:
I was amazed that Kirito could even afford this? K-Kirito-Kun how? He simply just said that he used most of his monthly pay for this date. I was amazed again. Y-you know you didn't have to do this. Well, the best for the most beautiful woman ever. I blushed a little and kissed his cheek. He got him and I a reservation for a table for two. We chatted for a bit, then the waiter came asking us for drinks. I ordered water and he ordered a soda. Soon the waiter came back with our drinks and we said thank you. He asked me about what else to do when we came back. I replied: I don't know,I might be tired by then.

Kirito POV:
Oh ok I replied to her,the waiter came back to ask us what to have for our main course. I chose Ramen noodles and Asuna chose the same thing. After 30 minutes ( My Resturant takes that long ) I blew on it so it wasn't hot enough to burn my mouth.She giggled ,Hey you do that sometimes I say in a obvious voice. Well not in public at least she said. When we finished with our food, I payed all the food happily.Sadly also

Kirito and Asuna walked back to their house full,and tired since it was 9:40 P.M and they came at 8:00. When they got back Kirito went up stairs yawning the whole way to his bedroom with Asuna following.

Asuna POV:
Kirito went upstairs so I decided to go too. When I came in he was already nearly asleep. I got up the bed and cuddled with Kirito. I love you Kirito-Kun,I held him kinda tight. I love you too Asuna-San he replied. We both fell asleep after a couple minutes and dreamt happily.

Alright  that was the first part of
the story. I will add a sex scene next chapter. Please be patient since I have school, but I will be writing on weekends a lot. And please do not ask why not use Kazuto-Kun, I know but I just want to help people know the characters....just in case. I will try and make chapters longer =/


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