Part 11: A Plan to do!

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*sigh* expect me to be very late ok? Like I said I am taking so much classes.

Asuna POV:
Ah, I wanna stay in my bed forever. I'm so comfy in it where I can't actually get up! Hm...Kirito isn't in the bed with me. He should be downstairs, I hope. I head downstairs but I see no Kirito, I should call him.

"Hey Kirito where are you?"
"Oh just helping Klein get a girlfriend."
"Ok what time are you gonna be back?"
"Pretty late, sorry."
"Aw, ok."

We hang up. Very cute to know that Kirito is helping Klein to find a girl. Since he's gone I decided to watch TV while I wait. Although I kind of wanna make him a lot of sandwiches when he comes back. Then I'll call him after a bit.

Hour Later: 7:00 P.M
Hm, he hasn't came back yet, I guess I'll call him now.
"Hey are you coming back soon?"
"Yeah we're still trying."
"Alright hope he gets a girl!"

Wow I feel bad for Klein. He never got a woman yet. Like c'mon he's kind and funny.

I play on my phone for a little while.

Kirito POV:
"Good she bought it!"
"Yep, although I want a woman."
"Don't worry Klein I'll find you one"
Ah it was ready! I bought food so we can eat while looking out the stars, and I also provided a picnic blanket. Good thing there aren't any meteor showers yet. For a few moments I feel like it wasn't going to work but I shoved it out my mind. It was the perfect time to go get Asuna.

"Hey I'm home!"
"Huh? Oh welcome back!"
She gave me a quick hug and sat on the couch. "Hey Asuna uhm, can I show you something?". "Sure lead the way." We get on my bike and head to the hill. I was able to see it and it was fine, good thing Klein watched in case someone tried stealing something. As he saw me, he ran straight back into the road putting his hood on. It worked! "Hm what is this place?". "The place where we can eat and chat.". "ooOoo ok". Welp time to pray this goes well right? As we sat down it took a few moments before I was the first one to make a move. " Are you enjoying this?"." Yeah of course!".

Narrator POV:
They kept eating until Kirito did the "Big thing". He pulls out a small case. Asuna gasped at what he was gonna do."Asuna...will you make me the happiest man ever...and marry me?". As Asuna cried she managed to say yes. They lean in for a passionate kiss. After that, Kirito put the ring on her. She was so happy it happened. The couple head home to get some sleep( LEMON SCENE STARTING ) and wait for a big day (Next chapter?). They go upstairs and flop onto the bed.

All of a sudden, Asuna flipped on top of Kirito. "Uhh what are you doing?"."Oh c'mon you can't expect me not to have sex with you when you just proposed to me". He didn't care anymore, Kirito started licking her neck as light moans escape Asuna's mouth. They both take off their tops. Kirito was shirtless and Asuna, topless. He kept kissing her until he got to the undergarments. "May I?". Asuna nods as Kirito takes them off. She hated when he started at it so Kirito tired to not stare. That moment, He stuck his tongue to her flower. As the pain faded he continued licking.

Asuna POV:
All this I'm feeling. Now he has to feel it, no turning back now! I moaned a lot when Kirito licked my "flower" . For sure he was hard and so I took his pants off and boxers off. There it stood, erect. I start off by licking ( or sucking? IDK ) the tip of his manhood. We were naked at this point but that doesn't matter. I hear grunts, Kirito is close. "A-Asuna I'm h-gonna cum". At last, the semen poured over my face. " C-Can you put it in?". "Sure". His manhood was rubbing my "flower" at that point. It was in...Kirito was inside me! He started off with gentle thrusts until I told him harder and faster. Kirito was hitting my womb slightly, as I let out moans. He fondled my right breast while kissing me. "Kirito I'm gonna-", "me too!". I screamed not too loud as he grunted. "You're filling me...".Kirito remained silent but panting. Semen was on the bed so I'm gonna change the sheets tomorrow. We are gonna sleep on the couch. We press lips one more time before heading downstairs to sleep. A very great night it was!

I am very sorry but I am getting bad luck here. I got bullied, taking a lot of classes , and now MY MOM HAS A HURTING ELBOW. Now I need to help her. Sorry, please abandon if you want.

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