Part 3: What just happened

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Ok before I start this chapter.I would like to thank The_Best_Yuuki for being the first voter. Congratulations!

Asuna POV:
I woke up,still thinking about what happened last night. I couldn't believe that Kirito and I did that,well I did start  it. I went downstairs to make French toast. 1 for me and 2 for him,he is a big eater of course.When I finished making the toasts,I went upstairs to wake him up.

His black glistening eyes opened up.Good morning Asuna he said,good morning Kirito I reply.We headed downstairs to eat breakfast.He finished first and plopped on the couch watching TV.I finished mine and sat on the couch cuddling with him.I said,So,what do you wanna do? to break the silence from the 2 of us.I remember that we were invited to come to Dicey Café since everybody is gonna be there he offered. Hm we should go since we haven't been with everybody I said in a happy tone. I kissed him on the cheek then headed upstairs to change.

I decided to wear a yellow long sleeve shirt and a white skirt.When I got out he was ready.he wore a black hoodie with black pants.We headed to Dicey Café where everybody was.

Kirito POV:
I talked to Klein and Agil about ALO and how they were doing while Asuna talked to Sinon,Silica and Liz. Klein said that he got a girlfriend. I was happy for him that he found someone. Her name was Akemi, ( bright beautiful) her hair was brown and had black eyes he explained.Klein was going on a date with her so I wished him luck on it. It was 7:00 P.M so Asuna and I headed home. She decided to make soup.I sat on the chair waiting for her to finish making dinner. She finished and I started eating since I was starving for Asuna's food.

I finished and headed upstairs to sleep. A few minutes Asuna came and held my arm. Goodnight Asuna,I stroke her hair once.Goodnight Kirito,She kisses me before we went to sleep. I woke up earlier than her,I noticed she was on me. I moved her off gently without waking her up.I went downstairs to prepare breakfast...I am gonna make omelets today.I finished making the omelets and before I came upstairs,Asuna was already awake.Ohayo Kirito,Ohayo Asuna I reply in a happy tone.

Asuna POV:
I went downstairs with him and saw 2 plates with omelets.I still kept thinking about what happened 2 days ago.I grabbed a plate and started eating.When we finished,We logged on to ALO seeing Yui run at us with glee, Ohayo mommy and daddy she says in a gleeful tone. Ohayo Yui we say in unison,I giggled a little. We played around with Yui until I went inside to make sandwiches for them. When I finished they smelled the aroma and ran inside, I had a salad as always and Kirito ate all of the sandwiches except for 1 since Yui only wanted 1. All of us finished and I went to sit on a chair at the porch. The two went out and played around the grass laughing happily. I looked at them playing around,just thinking on how well my life is right now. I have a boyfriend that loves me a lot and an AI daughter that is always waiting for Kirito and I. After a couple minutes I joined in with them.They were role playing as a pilot and a plane and I role played as the coordinator ( I do not know ) After roleplaying,We logged out and saw it was 5:00 P.M

Kirito POV:
We logged out of ALO,and woke up.
I followed Asuna downstairs and got myself cereal since I wasn't that all hungry. When I finished,I sat on the couch with Asuna. I was thinking of what to do today,my eyes widened anniversary! tomorrow was the day I met Asuna in ALO! S-so Asuna,wanna go to the mall? She said yes,great I can get her a gift for the anniversary.

I changed to a black long sleeve shirt and black pants ( yes I overdose the color ) she got out with a white T-shirt and a white skirt. I got on my motorcycle and she hopped on too, holding holding me tightly. When we got to there, we headed to the clothing store. I went to the Jewellery store to get her a necklace,I found one with a heart at the end and it was expensive but worth it. I bought it and headed back quickly to the clothing store.She never noticed and I was checking around the men's section.

She looked around and found me.Did you find anything Asuna? I said in a successful normal voice.No not really she said in a disappointed voice. Ah it's ok.

Asuna POV:
I didn't find anything but he then grabbed my hand and went to the ice cream shop and bought my favourite ice cream flavor to cheer me up.Here this should cheer you up,and it did,not really the ice cream but being with him always made me happy.We finished and headed back the motorcycle. I held him tightly during the ride after all,he did this all for me mostly. We got back and it was 6:00 P.M. I prepared dinner for us,I only made sandwiches since I was too tired from being comfy on the ride.We finished and we decided to end the day with watching a movie.

Time skip to 8:00 P.M:
The movie finished and we were tired by then so we headed upstairs to head to sleep thinking about what life will give us tomorrow.

EEEEE gomenisai! gomenisai! I will try and make more parts as fast as I can. BTW LEMON WILL BE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it is gonna be better than last time. Trust me on that.Anyway cya on the next chapter, bye!

-Anime_4or_ever ❤️❤️❤️

Be ready my ready. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA‼️‼️‼️*coughs* ok bye.

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