Part 2: A side I never knew

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Before I start this chapter I would like to thank my friend since he was the reason I am making this book. Anyway if you are reading this...thank you very much :) BTW LEMON SCENE IS IN THIS CHAPTER

Kirito POV:
I was making breakfast instead of Asuna making breakfast. I decided to make pancakes because,well it is her favorite and it's the only thing I can make that is actually really good. I sifted the flour,poured in the milk and eggs, everything!

Right when I finished making the pancakes, I added strawberries,and syrup. I heard the door open and saw a beautiful girl come down the stairs. Ohayo Kirito-Kun Asuna said. Ohayo Asuna-San I replied. She was excited that I made pancakes for breakfast. Thank you! Your welcome Asuna-San. After we finished, we decided to log in to ALO so we can hang out with Yui.

I was happy to see Yui again. *sigh* soon I'll be able to put her in real life.
Asuna made tea while I played around with Yui.

Asuna POV:
I came out with seeing Kirito play with Yui. I smiled and yelled to Kirito that tea was ready. He came and kissed me on the cheek and sipped his tea. I watched Kirito and I's daughter play around on the grass,rolling around and laughing. Kirito suddenly told me I love you, I replied I love you too Kirito-Kun.

We intertwined our hands. He suddenly started tearing up for some reason. I asked whats wrong? He replied with a sad and low voice: I keep wondering what would happen if we d-didn't meet,he teared up again and put his head on my shoulder. I-it's okay Kirito-Kun thats the past,we're together now. Yui hugged both of us happily. We hugged back.

Kirito and I decided to log out since it was time for Yui to go to bed. Goodbye mommy and daddy.We waved goodbye and soon after I woke up,Kirito woke up. We had a passionate kiss before we fell asleep thinking about tomorrow. I woke up and I got up to make his favourite sandwiches before he woke up. I made 3 spicy sandwiches just for him and I made myself a salad.

He came downstairs and said in a excited way, MY FAVOURITE SANDWICH! Your welcome Kirito-Kun. I already saw him munching on the sandwiches. He replied in a muffled voice, THANK YOU. I giggled a little and then took a bite out of my salad.

Kirito POV:
Ah the food Asuna made was DELICIOUS. I thanked her while I was munching on my precious sandwiches 1 by 1. When we finished, I asked her if she wanted to go to the park. She simply said yes. I started getting ready and she did too. I put on a black hoodie and dark grey pants. All I had to do was wait for Asuna. She came out the bathroom in her casual clothes ( the clothing irl in SAO )

Time skip to 25 min.
We laid our picnic blanket
and our basket. She told me that I can start eating. I got out a sandwich and started eating it.She brought out a sandwich too and started eating.When I finished I laid and stared out into the sky. The weather was perfect,the breeze was nice and it wasn't super hot nor cold,just perfect. Asuna finished and laid down with me looking at the clouds. Our hands intertwined,soon after,I fell asleep for a bit. She woke me up and said: Wake up sleepyhead. I thanked her or else I would never wake up, I'm a pretty much a deep sleeper

Asuna POV:
I woke him up,and he thanked me. I guess he was so relaxed.We took our stuff and walked around the beautiful park . Him and I chatted along the way,talking about his Career and how much he was getting paid. I was suprised that he was paid 1.8k every week.

It was 6:45 P.M and we decided to head home. I was gonna make some Ramen when we got home. He was watching TV on the couch while he was waiting.I finished making dinner and we started eating.He is gonna love it!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kirito POV:
Another delish serving from Asuna. I thanked her for the food,I found the perfect girl I thought .She suddenly pushed her chest up against mine. A-Asuna?! She tugged on my shirt,
I took it off and she put her hand on my chest. We had a passionate kiss, our tongues fighting over dominance. I nipped on her neck and whispered in her ear: Suprising.

I  rubbed her clit,she was letting out pleasured moans that were music to my ears.I took off her skirt,all that was left was her bra and panties.K-Kirito-Kun.I kissed her and said it's ok. I took off her bra strap and started fondling with her breasts.I licked one while my other hand rubbed her clit. She let out more moans,still successfully saying more. My eyes widened a-are you sure? I took off my pants and boxers.After I removed my clothing I took off hers.I realized she was wet. I put on a condom because she told me to. I carefully put my cock inside her. I thrusted slowly after then she said faster. I couldn't believe this,it's gotta be a dream right? I shook my head,I thrusted faster and faster.

She was holding the pillow. Kirito-Kun...I'm about to cum! I bit my lip to stall the urge to cum also.After a few more thrusts...she cummed. I was panting.I cummed too once I took my cock out.We were tired by the time so she and I went to sleep.Thinking about what had just happen to us.

Phew....the sex scene was pretty cringey tbh. I wrote about 1k words.Told you I would make longer chapters.Anyway I might be updating lately so please be patient. Bye bye


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