Part 7: Home!

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Yeah expect me to be very late

Narrator POV:
Kirito and Asuna wake up excited to go home, Asuna starts packing her stuff and Kirito helping out. "Well ready to head home?" Kirito says. "Why yes I am hon. Her loving,soon to becoming her husband kisses her on the forehead. Asuna heads into the bathroom to take a shower while Kirito keeps on packing. He finishes before she got out the shower. Asuna gets out the shower with clothes that were red and white just like her SAO colors.Ah the great memories the couple had spending most of their time together. Kirito's face spread with happiness,"what a coincidence.","we're wearing our SAO colors". She giggles a little and zips her stuff up then starts packing Kirito's stuff while he takes a shower. All of his shirts were black except for one which was orange
( Ordinal Scale reference ).

Kirito gets out seeing that Asuna is halfway finishes,he joins in to help her out. After about 10 minutes of packing they head out the hotel and on their way home. The ride was pretty long only because of traffic," Ugh, why traffic ".

"Everybody is going places,like us Kirito :)"

Asuna POV:
Ah cheering him up was always easy, all I had to do was be with him and calm
him down in ways I know. Getting home only took about 20 minutes  which was darn lucky since traffic wouldv'e made us take WAAAY longer than just around 20 minutes. I plop on the bed wrapping myself around a blanket, of course Kirito joined in because well, waking up early is a pain for both of us.

Time skip 3 hours: 2:00 P.M

I wake up not seeing Kirito in bed so he's downstairs sure. I head downstairs and find that Kirito miserably drooling for my food. God, did he love me for this? Jeez, "food doggy?"

" yes please" he dog whimpers.

I kiss him on the cheek to cheer him up  a little, then I go straight to cooking. I decided to just make cup noodles since we had way too many besides...I am not letting a lot of food go to waste. After 10 minutes, I give him the bowl of noodles and he starts digging in without blowing on it. " Hm you really are hungry", " Well I woke up and never ate of course" I grab a fork and share with him, I got his permission of course.

Kirito POV:
I would like to share with her just so she didn't have to make another one and it was kinda cute to do it. We finish and I sit on the couch and watch some TV,Asuna cuddles next to me for warmth. I keep watching for about 30 minutes and watch Asuna since she was dead asleep. Ah how she always fell asleep when she cuddled with me, reaaaly becoming a habit for her and I. After bout' an hour Asuna's fiery orange eyes appear, she kisses me a good evening and gets up ready for anything. "Eek! we need to log on to ALO", we go inside, lay on the bed and put on our Amuspheres and emerge into Alfheim. I appear sitting on a couch and saw Yui come running at us. "Mommy, Daddy!","Yes we're a family again, Asuna and I hug Yui tightly as if we never saw her in eons. We play on the grass, rolling around , and roleplaying a ton. It feels great to be a wonderful family again, Alas a broken heart can always be mended.

Yui POV:
EEEEE! Mommy and Daddy got back together. I knew they will always forgive and forget. We are a family again and shall be as long as we live! And now, Daddy is trying hard to get me in the real world like - like my body! He can do it .
he will never give up! =3
They leave at around 4:00 PM, 2 hours was so long felt like 5! Well, that's good I love spending time with them like a TON. As they wave goodbye, they log out inside the house. I head over to my bedroom going to "sleep"

Asuna POV:
I wake up with Kirito next to me,"so glad we see Yui especially together again Kirito","y-yeah me too".
We go downstairs and I make a quick sandwich still putting good work into it .
Of course Kirito is excited for...anything that I make even my first try foods . That boy seriously can eat anything! After I finish making it Kirito starts munching it up that after even 2 minutes he is done, good thing it's his day to clean the dishes. He finishes cleaning, and plops down the couch to rest, lot of plates I guess, eh he eats a lot not my fault there's a lot of dishes. I comfort him by cuddling since it is my best tactic on him not including.... you know "that"

I let him rest for a while as I organise his work and I mean organise smh always messy. His black galaxy eyes pop out, Kirito yawns now 9 seconds , I worry about him sometimes being tired all the time especially when he has work. All through out the day till 10:00 PM was our usual schedule except for movie night. I picked the romance movies, while Kirito picked the horror / action movies. It was like he wanted me to be super cute bein' scared.

2 hours: 12:00
We head to our bed...the lights going out and only the moon shines through the window. I Kiss him on the cheek before we go to sleep....

XD Usually a week would get me a update but....I might get some more time for this... Bye! 👋

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