Part 4: Anniversary

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Hey Anime_4or_ever here there will be a lemon scene and I will indicate when it starts and when it ends. Now for the story....

Third Person POV:
Kirito woke up and noticed she wasn't on the bed. Asuna? he said, Asuna?! he said again with a worried voice.Kirito heard a familiar voice that said "down here!" He went downstairs to see Asuna making fried rice with eggs and bacon. Ohayo Kirito she says in a welcoming voice.He already started drooling from the aroma. Asuna giggled a little,Kirito was still in a trance with the aroma.

She finished making breakfast and Kirito runs to the food and starts eating.They finished breakfast and sat on the couch thinking what they wanted to do today. "I-I booked a hotel to stay there for 3 days and 2 nights" Kirito said suddenly.
Asuna's eyes widened,"wait why did you book a hotel?" She said in a confused voice."Today is our Anniversary when we met in real life" he says happily. A few minutes later,they Log on to ALO to tell Yui that it was our Anniversary today. "Can we go on a quest to celebrate it?" She asks excitedly.They nodded and Kirito looked at the quest log

Kirito POV:
I looked for a quest that was fun for all of us. I found one where we needed to find someones pet,and it would give us cream. ( Hehe ) We decided to pick it and start looking. All of us split up to look for the pet.I heard two voices that said "Found it!" I ran to the voice and saw Asuna and Yui with the lost pet. We returned it to the owner and we recieved cream.

Asuna went inside the house to make bread with the cream we got from the fun quest. She brought out a plate with 6 of them, two for the three of us. In case they didn't finish all of their bread, I would finish them. Asuna and I played around with Yui for a couple of minutes then tucked her to bed. We waved good bye and logged out. "1 hour,enough time to pack" I say happily. Asuna and I pack enough clothes to last us our whole stay.i gathered all our items and she checked twice if we forgot anything.

With 30 minutes to spare, we got on my motorcycle and made our way to the hotel.

Asuna POV:
The drive there was about 10-20 minutes but it was worth it.The place was so beautiful,and really made me think on when we met in real life,I will always treasure that moment...forever and ever. Asuna? He waves his hand in front of my face."Oh sorry I just gazed out for a minute"
I say in an apoligizing tone.Our room was at the third floor so we have a great view.We unpacked and I went to take a bath while Kirito watched TV. "K-Kirito please do not try anything on me. "O-ok".

I got out the bath with nightwear and to be surprised to see Kirito staring at me."uh Kirito anything wrong with my clothes?". "N-No you look great" he said nervously. "Ok...." I felt suspicious about him. We went to the hotel restaurant to have dinner there.He ordered Tea and I did too for our drinks. A few minutes later the waiter came back and asked " Are you ready to order?" the waiter asks. I wanted Ramen and Kirito wanted Tonkatsu. "Thank you Kirito" I say
in a calm voice."Like I said the best for the most beautiful woman ever".

Kirito POV:
The waiter came back with our food and I started eating. My stomach was rumbling and growling since my last meal was lunch. I finished first by a few minutes and just talked to Asuna."I heard that Lizbeth was sick,she alright?" I ask worried."yeah she's ok,her sickness is getting better". "Phew I am relived that she is". Few minutes,Asuna finishes her food and I get up. I lend out my hand to help her up. We hold hands along ( LEMON SCENE COMING ) the way to our room,some people staring at us.I plop down on the bed,turning on the TV, while she put in more clothes in the closet. I go up behind her and hold her waist. "K-Kirito?!" she says shocked on what I did. I ignore and leave red spots on her neck.

"You've surprised me better than this Asuna". She admits and instead accepts on what I want. We have a passionate kiss and without breaking it I put her down on the bed smirking. I take off my shirt and kiss her again,she pulls me closer and I feel her breasts push against me. "I love you Asuna","I love you too Kirito.I take her nightgown straight off,flinging it away. Now It just left her with undergarments and her bra. I take off her bra and start fondling with them,and sucking on one. She lets out a few moans so I was doing good. " I can't resist Asuna ", " You already have me Kirito,no worries" She smiles.I throw the undergarments out of the bed , and I take off my pants and blue boxers. Asuna and I were completely naked now for the fun part.

Looking disappointed she says " Did you bring a condom? ". I show her it so she doesn't have to ask me again. I put on the condom,and put my member inside her. My thrusting started slow then got faster and faster, hearing pleasured moans and some language. I keep thrusting until we both cum at the same time.We were tired so we went to sleep , happy on what happened....again!

Again I have so much work to do I will update pretty late so please wait on them. Usually It's the weekends that give me time...barely. Anyway good night!

Gonna be normal next chapter.Bye Bye!

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