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Today Jin sat Alone, even through he was pretty sure he had been rejected.

Jin leaned against the tree and closed his eyes, forgetting about the world for a second as he fell asleep.

suddenly Jin wakes up hearing the school bell ringing. he was about to stand up, until he noticed that he was covered in a jacket, that wasn't his and there was a sticky note on the books he had on his lap.

"You looked peaceful sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you. Maybe I'll come sit with you tomorrow, also please don't sleep outside you'll catch a cold.

P.S. You looked really beautiful sleeping, I guess your kind soul has paid you good looks haha.
hope you don't mind I took a picture right before you fell asleep, it's for my art class.

—————————I'm not sure if I should continue this lol

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I'm not sure if I should continue this lol

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