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Made a sequel to this cutie ;) Marissamoreno0014

"Come on, daddy," Jin said as seductively, teasing his half-awake boyfriend.

Jungkook smirked while standing up and wrapped his arms around Jins waist while Jins went around his neck. A slow song came on from the radio they hadn't noticed before, Jungkook being who he is, he just goes with it and starts slow dancing with Jin.

They were rocking back and forth. Halfway through the song he pulls back and looks Jin straight in the eyes, "You look so beautiful," He says before kissing Jin with all the power in his body.

Jungkooks hands grab Jins hips and pull him closer to him. Jins hands pull at his hair and a low moan comes from his mouth and Jins lips mimic him when he felt his hands grab Jins butt and squeeze.

Jungkook pulls back and starts kissing Jins jaw line and down his neck.

"J-Jungkook..." Jin moaned out.

"Hmm..." Jungkok moans and sucks on Jins neck on his sweet spot, obviously leaving a hickey that Jin made a mental note to cover later. Oh well.

Jin runs his hands down the youngers chest to the bottom of his shirt. Jungkook pulls back and takes his shirt off and Jin just stands there looking at his chest.

"Like what you see?" He asks with lust filled eyes staring at Jin.

"Definitely," Jin says and pull him back for a kiss.

Jin feels Jungkooks tongue run across his lip and he allows him entrance. Jungkooks right hand reaches up and grabs Jins nipple and squeezes. Jin gasped into his mouth and he takes that opportunity to reach down and rip the buttons on his shirt off. The kisses Jins neck and gradually goes down to his chest and kisses each boob once.

"Wow, still can't believe they're real," He says more to himself.


"No not even close babe. Those are sexy as fuck." He says and kisses them and flicks his tongue on Jins left nipple. Jin gasp and pull back, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting that."

"It's all right." He then picks the elder up and lays him on the bed and kisses him once on the lips and then goes down to his chest and kisses about an inch all the way until he gets to the top of Jins black jeans. He looks up at Jin asking with his eyes.

"Oh trust me, if I had a problem with this you wouldn't have gotten past the first kiss," Jungkook laughs and kisses one more time before he pulls Jins pants off and tosses them to the side. Jin signaled for him to come back up with his finger and he obeys.

"Gosh, you look like your dad," Jin said and Jungkook stopped all his actions.

"Did you really have to ruin the mood by mentioning my dad?" Jungkook said as he stood up and threw Jins Jeans on him again.

"Actually I heard your dad coming up and you probably wouldn't care if I just told you so," Jin said as he was zipping his pants when the door swung open.

"Dinners almost ready guys," Mr. Jeon said smiling widely.

"Are you a dog? how the hell did you hear him?" Jungkook whispered and Jin slapped his arm, "no you're just deaf, hmph!"

Jungkook laughed a little and Jin held his hands as they went to the kitchen behind Mr. Jeon.

"Remind me again, why did you agree to come?" Jungkook asked Jin, curious about why he even agreed when his parents asked him.

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