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Jungkook woke up with a headache, it took him some seconds to take in what happened.

He looked around the room noticing it wasn't his house and that was when he realized it, he fell asleep in Jin's arms.

He took his phone fast looking at the time 5 PM, it had been some couple of hours.

getting up because he smelt something good while getting up saw he was wearing Pyjamas, he felt embarrassed at the fact that whoever changed his cloth saw his scars.

following the delicious smell into the kitchen, he saw his Hyung, Jin cooking and Hoseok sitting down in the living room waiting for Jin.

While the food boiled, Jin went into the living room sitting in front of Hoseok.

Jungkook looked through the little opening in the door listening.

"Hyung, I would love to tell you what happened but I feel like it isn't my place to say anything. Especially since I respect his and Jungkook's privacy." Hoseok said looked down fidgeting with his fingers in his lap.

Jungkook Loved Hoseok, he was like a brother to him, him and Yoongi.

"I understand, I'll make sure to tell Jungkook you came by when he wakes up," Jin said sighting.

That's was the cue to Jungkook, opening the door he revealed his bed hair. He wanted to talk with his hyung, it had been so long, he missed him.

Hoseok saw Jungkook, he stood up and ran to Jungkook hugging him while sniffing, "My poor baby, I'm so sorry." Hoseok grabbed Jungkook's face looking at him taking in his features.

"you've lost to much weight, I was so worried." Hoseok had always been a worry cat, it brings Jungkook memories back.

Jungkook couldn't help but giggle at his hyung, "Hyung, I missed you!" Hoseok hugged Jungkook again.

Jin left to the two talk in private, going to continue making his food in the kitchen.

When Jin went in to say that the food was ready he saw Jungkook smiling and giggling, it made him melt inside.

He stood there for a good couple minutes taking moment to look at the beautiful young boy laugh with his cute bunny smile.

Hoseok had noticed the way Jin was looking at Jungkook, not wanting to say anything.

He wanted them to figure it out themselves and not force Jungkook into anything, he wanted Jin to be his savior and the one to make Jungkook forget his past sorrows.

"Food's ready boys!" Jin said while putting the plates on the table, Hoseok and Jungkook went into the kitchen hand in hand. Jin couldn't help but feel a little Jealous, he just shook it off thinking it was because of how close to the boys bound were.

Jungkook sat beside Jin and Hosok in front of them.

"Jin-hyung.." Jungkook looked down at his empty plate trying to get the words out, feeling anxiety kicking in.

Jin noticed this and put his hand on the youngers shoulder, smiling which made him feel somehow calm.

"Th-Thanks for everything.." Jungkook looked at Jin, as Jin smiled widely, Jungkook couldn't help himself but point out something.

"One smile can't change the world, but your smile changes mine. Thank you for all the special things you do."

Hoseok Choked on his water, while Jin blushed madly, Right when Jungkook realized what he said his eyes widen as he quickly stood up to take the food, running from the awkward silence.

Jin was quick to grab Jungkooks hand "Thank you Jungkookie-ah."


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