Chapter 3- where are you?

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Veronica's pov.
When I finally woke, I was tied up in a chair. My body was aching all over. But my eyes were no longer concealed by a blindfold. Not that it mattered, nothing I could see was worth taking note of. As I looked at  the room, I knew I was in a basement. It was cold, empty, and the ground was a bit wet, the rain had started to flood. The walls were grey and bare, the ground was empty, there where no windows, and one door. As I recalled what had happened. I hoped it was all a nightmare. The rain thrashed down hard, and made it hard to see, someone had snuck up behind me, and hit me on the head. I touched my scalp, and came across a huge scar, and felt dry blood, that must have been at least a day ago, after that I must have been dragged into a car, and taken here. Wherever here was. Had no one seen me? Or heard me? I must have screamed. Yes I remember now, I was definitely screaming. I looked down at my clothes, still damp. And bloody. Who had taken me here? Why? Nothing of value was missing except my phone, probably just so I couldn't call for help, but my expensive jewelry, like my pearl necklaces and rings, were fine. Witch meant it wasn't a Robbery, and other then the wound on my head from being taken, I hadn't been hurt, barley touched. Unless the person who took me had a major grudge against me, and planned to hurt me slowly in some way when I woke. But no one from riverdale could hate me that much. Or maybe this was a ransom. For  my father. He had money. That's for sure. But he was in jail. Why was I here? We're people looking for me? Did they know I was gone?  How long had I even been gone? Then something more important then my questions came to mind, Archie. Was he ok? The last person I had spoken to was him, when I had left him after he told me he loved me. If I never saw him again, would he know I loved him? How could he. I had walked away. I had walked away from someone I loved very much. The last memory he would have of me, was me walking away. That thought scared me more then anything. But it also gave me determination. To escape. Archie Andrews would not go through his life thinking he meant nothing to me. I put my tied up hands up to my mouth and started biting. The rope was thick, and I hardly made a dent, but I kept biting. I kicked my high heels off to see if I could wiggle my small feet through the ropes binding my ankles together. I managed to get the rope of my feet, so I started frantically kicking the chair away from me, I was tied to it, but maybe with enough force, the ropes would loosen, or break. Miraculously, it worked, I managed to loosen the ropes enough that I could wiggle out of the chair. Only my hands were tied together now, but I figured I could work with that. I ran to the door, and though my hands were tied together behind my back, I turned around, my back facing the door, so I could open it, but of course, it was locked. I looked around in anger, as my eyes landed on my shoes, lying against the ground, I picked one up, and threw it at the door. Of course, nothing happened. I picked up my other shoe and threw it even harder, the heel of the shoe left a dent on the wooden door. But that wasn't effective either. My eyes landed on the last thing in the room, the chair I had managed to Wiggle free of.  I picked it up and threw it at the door with all my might. With a Big Bang, the chair broke against the door, only leaving a Couple scratches. I was crying loudly after this, without thinking, I picked up a chair leg, and hit it against the door over and over, I don't know what I was expecting,  but eventually, to my surprise, the door swung open. But not the way I hoped it would, for someone on the other side of the door had opened it, a figure wearing black, along with a white mask, but I, could only focus on The gun, in the persons hand.

Archie's pov.
4 days. 3 horrible lonely nights. The idea of Veronica running away had been ruled out. For someone found an earring, on the street across from the school, that sat in a pool of blood. Later determined as Veronica's blood. The police thought she fell, and was taken. but where is she now? I had been a mess. The worst time to have someone disappear, is when you realize how lucky you are to have them in your life, the worst time to have someone hurt, is when you realize the things you would do to keep them safe. When you realize you love them. Betty was sitting in my room, we were doing homework. "This hardly seems relevant" I said breaking the silence  . "What?" She asked. "This. Homework. Veronica is out there somewhere, probably hurt, and terrified, and we're just sitting here pretending  it never happened." I complained. "Archie, there is nothing we can do,  the police are working on it, they'll find her." She said. "Betty by the time they found Jason, he was dead" I reminded her. She looked down. "Plus we were the ones who found the footage of Jason's death remember? We can help Veronica, we can do something, anything but sit around" I said. "Archie, this may not be a motive thing that we can just, solve. It could just be a random creep who saw a pretty girl walking home and took her" she said. "Betty the day she went missing, veronica said that her dad had ruined lives, and now he's getting released, that could anger a lot of people" I said. She thought for a second. "Your right" she sighed closing her textbook. "We can start by making a murder- kidnapping board." Betty said. "Ok who are the people who would be most likely to do something like this." Betty asked. "Ester's parents"  I said. "Serpents" Betty added. "Cheryl's dad" I said. "He's dead" she responded. "It's riverdale, you never know" I said. "Cheryl's mom" Betty said. "I sighed. "My parents I guess" I said. "They wouldn't-" Betty argued. "I know" I agreed. "But we should put everyone who has a motive, my dad does, he didn't like her dad, even in high school"  I said. Betty nodded. "Then my parents too" she said. "Hermione?" I asked. "Why would she kidnap her own daughter?" Betty asked. Good point, I said. "Then that leaves the rest of her dad's unhappy clients" I said. Betty nodded. "We could ask Hermione, she might know something about who the clients are" Betty said. "Ok" I said. "Betty?" I said suddenly. "Yes?" She asked. "So the thing is, I think I'm in love with Veronica, and when she disappeared, it was like seeing my future stop, because the only way I could imagine being happy, is if I'm with her. So what the hell am I supposed to do if she doesn't come back?" I asked. Starting to cry. Betty's jaw dropped. "You and Veronica?" She stammered. I nodded. "The day she disappeared, we kissed, I told her I loved her, but she said it was a bad idea" I said. "Love?" Betty asked. I nodded. "I'm really crazy about her, and I'm just... I'm just so angry at myself for letting this happen to her. I love her so much, and I don't know what to do with that right now." I admitted. "Archie, there's nothing you could have done" Betty said. "I could have worked it out with her, then maybe she wouldn't have been alone when she walked home, I could have driven her home, I could have told her she shouldn't be alone" I said. "Archie-" Betty protested. "That's what she would have done" I said. "You had no way of knowing something so horrible would happen" she said. In that moment, I went far past crying. I was wailing. It should have been embarrassing. Humiliating. But something was torn from me. It was like all my life I had been walking towards my future, which was far of into the distance. But now, I was so close I could touch it. It was Veronica. I was so close to getting there. But then my future fell. Into some deep dark hole. This was where the road ended. My trail, had stoped. The last, best part of the trail, had been cut of. The rest of my life would be unfinished. I would never get to her. "She could be dead" I said after I found my voice. "Archie don't say that!" She said. "But what do I do if she is, Betty what if jughead was the one missing?" I asked. "Archie, I don't even want to think about that" Betty said. "I've had to think about it for four days. And I may have to live with it for the rest of my life" I said. She sighed. "I know Archie. I'm so sorry. But you know Veronica. She doesn't give up. Wherever she is, she's probably doing the best she can to come back. And she will" she said. "How can you be so sure?" I asked. "I can't. But we have to hope. That's all we have left anymore" she said. "Archie whatever happens. She loved you." Betty said. "What?" I asked in surprise. "She did, she loved you. Maybe the time wasn't right, or maybe she was afraid. But when you two looked at each other, it was pure love arch. Anyone could see it" she said. "I guess that doesn't really matter now does it?" I asked bitterly. "Of course it does arch, it will always matter" she said. I stood up and looked out my window. And I felt my uncontrollable sadness, turn into uncontrollable anger. Someone out there, had taken her away from me. That person would pay.

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