Chapter 7 - looking green

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Betty's pov
"So.. you two were just getting rid of it?" I asked. "That's all" Archie assured me. I sighed. I knew the gun wasn't what was really bugging me. I just felt so guilty.... a long, long time ago, Archie stopped liking me. But my crush on him never stopped. I still liked Archie. And seeing him with my new best friend was hard. Seeing the way they looked at each other, the way they spent time together like Archie never did with me. I hated it. I hated seeing them together. But there was nothing i could do. They liked each other. And according to jughead, Archie already loved Her. It's weird when everyone sees them together, they think there the perfect couple. And they are, so I couldn't possibly do anything, I could never forgive myself for ruining what they have, but at the same time, it was hard seeing them so happy, when I had wanted that for me and Archie for years. It was hard to support and be happy for my best friend, but I knew it was the right thing to do. "Alright, sorry I dragged you two all the way down here" I said. "It's alright, anything you need" Veronica smiled. It would be so much easier if Veronica was a ruthless bitchy girl, who had no intentions of being with Archie forever, then I wouldn't feels so bad for feeling this way. But Veronica was pretty, nice, smart, caring... everything Archie deserved. "I'll see you guys at school" I smiled, "See you then" Archie agreed. "Wait Archie" I called, after Veronica had already left the room. "What's up?" He asked. "Do you maybe want to go to pops with me? Have one of our special get together?" I asked. "Sure, see you then" archie agreed. After he and Veronica left, I smiled to myself. I knew my crush for Archie would go away. So if I didn't act on it, it didn't hurt to hang out with him alone.

   I was wrong. It did hurt someone. But not Veronica or Archie. It hurt me. And my pain, would eventually result in theirs too

I waited. And waited some more. Then waited again. It was two days later, the day me and Archie decided to meet at pops. But that was an hour ago. And Archie hadn't shown. I don't know why I was so upset. It wasn't as if I was stood up on a date. Archie was my best friend, I knew he cared about me, and I would see him plenty, he was just a knuckle brain sometimes, and had probably just forgotten, and being the nice guy he ya, if u had brought it up, he probably would have just rescheduled for tomorrow, and apologized for forgetting. But it felt so much worse then the logic, it felt like being placed on the side lines. It felt like being forgotten. A second priority. And maybe that was the first moment, that a bit of my hurt, started to build into a tiny shred of anger. And the more I thought about it, the more mad I got. Until I was furious. Furious at Archie at absolutely nothing. I wasn't thinking clearly, and in that moment, without any real thought, I just wanted to hurt Archie, no time  of planning were necessary, I could just do it in the most blunt way possible. Those were the thoughts that were running through my head, that night when I got home. But somehow, through all my anger, I managed to convince myself to at least talk to Archie first, and let him explain himself.

- The next day -

"Archie" I called from afar, when I caught glance of him, as usual, too distracted from smiling at Veronica, to notice me. He spun around quickly. "Hey Betty" he smiled cheerfully. I sighed in frustration, "forgetting something?" I asked impatiently. Archie thought for a second, before shrugging. "We were supposed to hang out yesterday!" I reminded him in anger. "Oh that's right! I'm sorry Betty it slipped my mind, let's do it tonight" He offered apologetically. "Well what were you so busy with yesterday?" I questioned. "I met Ronnie's parents for the first time" he smiled. I don't know why, but for some reason, out of all things, this set me off. Because Archie didn't just forget. He blew me off. And worse, he blew me off for Veronica. My jealousy exploded at this point. But I didn't say anything, not to his face. I stormed off, somewhat calmly. Because I knew Archie would get what he deserved.  I would make sure of it. I knew a little secret about Archie. He had a gun. And I had an outlet to share this information with the world. The blue & gold articles.

                      Archie's POV
after getting home that night, i walked into my house. It had been a weird day, I couldn't for the life of me, figure out why Betty had been acting so strangely. And it had been messing up my whole day, but when I looked up, I saw my dad standing firmly by my door, with a stern look on his face. "Archie, give it to me, now" my father threatened, "give what?" I asked in confusion. "The gun archie!" Demanded My dad. I starred blankly at him in shock. How could he know about that? Who would have told him! It was gone, so he couldn't have found it. After I didn't reply, my dad's eyes narrowed. "What are you insane!? Your going to look crazy, people will be scarred of you! Think your dangerous! How do you plan to make a future for yourself after this!" My father questioned. Confusion filled my mind, "how did you know about the gun! And what are you talking about?!" I questioned quickly. My dad's face lightened for a short second. "You don't know?" He asked. I shook my head. My father slapped the latest blue & gold school paper in front of me. And for a second, the headline stopped my heart. "Archie Andrews carries a loaded gun, does riverdale have a new threat?" the cover read. With a long descriptive paragraph underneath. My stomach turned, there were only two students who wrote for the blue & good, jughead, and Betty. And only Betty knew about the gun. "Dad you have to listen to me, it's not what it looks like! I got the gun back when the black hood was still around, I was scarred, and angry dad, it was for protection, but it wasn't loaded, and I never used it, and I already got rid of it" I explained quickly, "then who wrote this?!" My dad asked. "Betty!" I responded. "Why would she write lies?!" He asked, "I don't know, she was acting really weird today" I said. "Archie do you know how much this will effect your future? How will you ever get a job? Riverdale is a small town, everyone will see this!" My dad yelled. "I know dad" I said quietly. Picturing what a mess this would be. "I have to talk to Betty, and get her to take this down!" I said, quickly storming outside. I knew where she'd be, Betty and Veronica had made plans at pop's tonight. I rushed down there as fast as I could, and when I got there, I stormed right up to her. "What the hell betty!" I yelled. She turned around quickly, and gave me a guilty look. "What is this?!" I screamed, pointing at the article. Betty stayed silent. "Take this down!" I demanded. "No" Betty answered simply. "Why? What the hell did I ever do to you?!" I asked. Betty just shook her head slightly. "Fine! You won't take it down... our friendship, it's done! Don't ever talk to me again!" I yelled, and I saw a tear in Betty's eye. "Wait!" Veronica called suddenly. I looked over  At  her, "Don't blame Betty. She's taking the fall for me archie. She didn't do it. I did" she stated.

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