Chapter 12 - game over

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( sorry this is late )

                      Betty's POV
It had been two months. Every day Veronica and Archie got happier together. And you couldn't blame them. They fit. They worked together. I had never seen Archie this happy. They were the schools power couple. Everybody loved them together. Because when they looked into each others eyes. It was electric. You couldn't help but smile when you walked passed the two, who were always off in their own little world, where no one existed but them. One problem. Every day, that the two were together, I grew to love Archie even more. Seeing Archie like that, reminded me what a good boyfriend he would be. And I often imagined that when they hugged, out kissed, or whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, I was in Veronica's place. But reality bites. He loved Veronica. Not me. There were good days and bad days. Days where I could almost be it happy for them. And days where I grew angry. Veronica couldn't tell Archie she loved him. But I could. I could give Archie what he wanted. So why didn't I? Why didn't I tell him? Why did I sit here and torcher myself when I could be happy? Thoughts like these, were why I knew I had to tell Veronica how I felt. She deserved to know. That way, we could deal with it together, and she could stop me from doing anything stupid. "Veronica?" I mumbled quietly, as I called her from my bedroom. "Hey, what's up Betty?" She asked cheerfully. "Actually we need to talk... in person." I said. "I can be there in 30 seconds" Veronica said. "Are you next door with Archie again?" I asked. "you guessed it, I'll be right there" she said before hanging up. I took a deep breath. Why was I doing this? What if Veronica was mad at me? What if this got in between our friendship? The doorbell rang, and I knew it was to late. She was here. I ran down to open the door. "Hey, come in" I greeted. Veronica walked in willingly. "Let's go to me room" I Said. She nodded. "Is everything okay?" She asked. "Fine. I just need to tell you something" I said once we were in my room. Veronica and me sat down on my bed. "Remember a while ago, I told you I posted that article, because I was feeling some stuff I shouldn't be feeling?" I asked. Veronica nodded. "And remember how you told me not to push my feelings away?" I asked. "Yeah, You can't hide how you feel forever. All we can do in this world, is find something that makes us happy, and go for it" she smiled. I looked down guilty. Because I knew, that the thing that made Veronica happy was Archie. And what I was about to say might ruin that. "Veronica you might need to give me some different advice" I stated "Why?" She asked curiously. "What I was talking about before.... I ... I think I'm in love with Archie"

Veronica's POV
"Your... your what?!" I stammered. Betty looked down. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "You ..... love Archie?" I asked in horror. "Since we were kids" Betty admitted. My insides were burning. Just when I thought, maybe I was ready... but poor Betty. She had liked him all this time, and kept it hidden. My two worst nightmares were coming true. Loosing Archie, and that I was the girl that got in between an epic love story, meant for Archie and Betty. Not me. I didn't want this. I wished Betty had never told me. But that would be selfish. What I wanted was not important. Betty was my best friend. And I cared a lot about Archie. They were my two favourite people in the world. I wanted them to be happiness. And they made each other happy. It didn't matter that I wanted to be with Archie. I couldn't keep him away from Betty any longer. I had to push down the pain, and do what was best for us all. I'd sacrificed things for the two before, and I'd do it again. I would do anything to make them happy. I pushed the tears back. There couldn't be Any signs of weakness. "You can have archie" I Said finally with a scratchy voice. Betty looked at me in shock. "What?!" She Said. "You heard me" I Said. "Wait really?" She Said in confusion. "What did you expect me to do?" I asked. "I didn't think about that... I just... wanted to tell you before I did something I'd regret." Betty said. "And that's one of the many reasons I'm stepping back, you came to me first." I Said, trying desperately to contain the sobs that were aching to be released.  "What are the other reasons?" Betty asked. "You and Archie have liked each other since you were kids. You grew up together. Your best friends. That's the most classic love story I've ever heard. I will never be able to compete with that"  I admitted sadly.  Betty looked at me in silence. "Plus, by admitting you loved him, your already giving him something I couldn't" I added. Betty looked at me silently some more, before pulling me into a tight hug. "Thank you" she muttered quietly. "Your welcome" I whispered. Now that we were hugging, Betty couldn't see my face, and I let a single tear fall out of my eye. I missed Archie already.

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