Chapter Three; June 25th ~Words from the deads~

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Too early to care

So uhmmmmm it's way to early. And I have to get up in like.... 3 hours? Ughhh, but I have a good reason. And their good. And let me tell you I am shitting myself right now....

I'm writing this and it's about midnight. I heard sounds of things falling down, but there is no one nor any signs of anyone being in the house. To be honest, I'm having a little freak out here. I don't believe in ghosts, but hell, I won't blame the tree for that will I? I also found this piece of paper, threw it in the reclying ben. Yeah, not that much important, but it may come in handy one day.

Night again.


I awoke when my alarm blared silently. I quickly shut if off, yawning, walking in the bathroom. I almost screamed at my reflection. My brown hair were a mess, heaven forbid I manage to do something with them! I had bags under my poor, tired eyes who shone dimly at the low light. i quickly set to work, taking a short shower and drying my hair, brushing them into a neat bun. I then put my Subway shirt and pants, taking my shoes next to my bed as I stuffed everything into my bag. Cellphone, Ipod, food, books. It took me a while before deciding to bring my diary along, but in the end I shrugged and shoved it in. Now, I was set to go. Seeing that I had 10 minuted left. I headed in the kitchen to make myself a toast.  Upon my arrival, I noticed Aidan there, glaring at his cereals like they had just stolen his favorite Jay's.  He ignored me completly as I entered and got the bread out.  The silence in the room was heavy like none other, and only my occasional yawns interruted it.  I had the need to fidget, and I now wonder had it ever been this awkward between me and my bother?  Maybe before?  I closed my eyes, and ignored it, stiffling another yawn.  Sleep really did me no good... oh well. Finally, my toast was done, and I put some Nutella on it before sitting next to Aidan, pretending to not feel the awkwardness of the place.  All you could hear was my munching and rare hums of a lullaby leaving my throat as I ate, and Aidan's deep, yet hushered breathing.  He was thinking deeply about something, making a hard decision.  And I knew I wouldn't like the outcome of his thinking. While I was eating my last bite, Aidan sighed and stood to prepare coffee. We stayed silent for a while more, me counting the seconds before he finally spoke, listening to the sounds of the city bellow us. Finally, he spoke quietly.

"You didn't tell her..."

Told ya... and that was 120 seconds, thank you very much.

"Tell her what Aidan? I know what I saw, I listened to what she told me. She isn't crazy either. You want me to lie to her, tell her I don't believe her, to lose her trust? Please, just....." I sighed deeply. "... don't start anything with her. She's still our sister. You have to protect her, as you did for me and Anna. Please Ade...."

"I can't make any promises. But I will try not to." He conceded, hugging me and kissing the side of my head. "You'll be carefull, right? With the whorshippers, people are becoming tense and have a feeling of unease.  I read there even was an attack last night, near the church.  You work near it, right?  Please, don't do anything I wouldn't do, and be-"

"When aren't I careful?" I giggled, cutting his sentence short.

As I moved to take my bag, I noticed a paper sitting next to it.  It stopped me for a second, as I looked in the recycling ben to see the one from yesterday gone. I shrugged it off as a gust of wind from the open living room balcony, and took my bag, stuffing the paper that sat next to it so innocently in it. Hurrying down the stairs, careful as to not trip (tripping down that stairs here hurt, mainly because there was so fan many (damn in Swedish)). I walked towards the bus stop once I stepped outside, breathing the usual polution of the place. Lucky me, the bus arrived seconds after I did, riding me to the subway a few kilometers away from our appartement. I arrived at the same time as the other worker opened the door. I greeted her gently, quickly setting to work to prepare the day. We cooked the bread, cleaning the place. Soon, it was 7h45 and we opened the doors. I took our free time to text my cousin. Soon poeple would come hustling in and out of the place, so we enjoyed the peace of before the opening as much a we could. As I was texting, the T.V turned on on the news channel. The News lady was speaking about the recent crimes commited around the place by different person with different beliefs, all in the name of the tree. My co-worker, named Sylvie, laughed with my at their stupidities.

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