Chapter Two; June 24th ~The tree~

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June 24th, 2013

So hi again. I never thought you'd come of use any time soon (If not at all). But the scientist are on a frenzy with the tree. They cover it up like no other thing. People come to whorship the damn thing, bullying the kids to stay away from it.  I mean, damn!  It's a tree!  When did the world get so greenpeace?  But now, TECHNICALLY, we were allowed to come near it. It became the favorite thing of the younger children when they can get near it, part of a world only they can see. I did see it a few times, not a lot thought. Faith too took a liking to it. As it so happens, she always went to the park to see it, and even went as far as to ask me to includ it in her stories. Because the big, 14 years old sister of mine still wanted bed-time stories. But I didn't mind. Because triangles. ;)

Coming back to the main subject, the nightmares didn't stop. It didn't help me during my finals, but I made it throught somehow. That's why I'm writting actually. I don't want to tell the double As (Aidan and Anna) because they're going to insist I go see a doctor, and I don't want to go someone for nightmares. Well, more like night terrors. Ahhh..... I just wish it would all stop. The whorshipping, the magical trees, the nightmares, goddamned triangles All of it, just.... stop. Go away. But they can't, can they? At least I won't see the triangles for the whole summer. So that's a plus. I guess it isn't so bad, after all. I'm just dramatising it. I got to go, Faith wants me to take her at the park.


"Hurry Lizzie!" Faith urged me.  "We're going to be late!  My friends are waiting for me!"

"Yeah yeah, little butterfly. Just ley me put on my cap and we're going." I laughed, picking my red cap and placing my diary in my drawer. Maybe I'll finish the page later. Maybe. "Ok, here we go. But we have to be back for supper, ok?"

She was already out the door. I wonder if she did hear me. I hurried beside her, taking her hand.  For a 13 years old, she was energitic and unruly, rarely could I make her stand still, like a 10 years old.  She scarcely acted her age, but I never blamed her; imagination is something I find my world lacking of as of late.  I mean come on, a simple assignement to create a fake character, and my partner spent 20 minutes on it, while I spent two.  Such shame for my generation.  I mean, if you can't imagine simple things, then how can you pass on histories, the very thing that makes our culture?  Huh, my generation is fucked up and screwed.  Oh well, at least we are at peace.

The park was near her (and my old) school and two baseball fields. It was small and secluded, safe from harm and weird people.  It's a great place for children. She tugged me all the way there, the lovable little brat!  I laughed at her good-heartedly at her, while she pouted at me cutely, making me laugh more. All the while trotting by my side as she ran to keep up with me. Once her feet touched the grass she went to join her friends who were just about to play hide and go seek. They greeted her brightly and immediatly started the game without further interruption. I went and sat down under a normal tree, the modified one somewhere in my sight on the left corner of my eyes.  I could see some whorshippers that were under today, praying their Lord. I snickered at them silently. I could see them glaring around as they sung in forwign languages songs of their religious belief.  I just couldn't believe it. I just pulled my earplugs, started my IPod and blocked them out, looking at Faith as she ran and hid near a little fountain right in front of me.  The whorshippers turned and cursed at her, and I jumped up, calling them out on their immature behavior.

That spiked them up and they turned to me, obviously insulting me in what seemed to be arfghant or some other language.  I did them the honor of replying, and none to kindly at that.  Not like I cared. If god could hear us, then he didn't want to listen. That, I learned a long time ago. I quickly plugged my earphones back in and put my music louder, my eyes trained on the children running around, searching for each other. They laughed and shrieked happilly. The whorshipping adults glared at them, flustered at the humiliation I gave them.

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