Chapter One; Mach 2nd, 2013

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Mach 2nd, 2013

I don't know why I'm doing this, why I am writing on the pages of this stupid book. I really don't know. Oh hell, let's just be done with it. If I don't do it anyway, dad's going to be upset. Hi my name is Elizabeth Tremblay and I'm 15 years old. Not that you care, you're a book. Well, a diary to be more exact, but it's still a book. Y'know? Anyway, moving on. Let's see... shall we start with the begining? Well, that simple enough. At least, simple enough for me..... I'm not the smartest one around here, in case you didn't know. You will soon understand.

This year for christmas, dad got us diaries. Yup, you read well, diaries. The very same I am writing in, the one that holds this sheet of paper. The one that you are holding and should not be reading if you are. Now don't get me wrong, I know dad isn't the best, and I am in no way complaining (ok maybe I am... Ok, I totally am), but honestly, I'd rather he spend that money on Faith rather then get me.... this. But I'm grateful all the same. It's better then nothing. And with our poor state, I don't mind anything really. It will probably become filled with notes from school thought, if ever I start to listen. Who knows? Right now, I'm not even sure of where I'm going, or what I'll become. Insecurities are what I mostly have these days. Or in general. Now I sound like a Mary-Sue, urrghhh. Which I am not. Underline and capitalize it. I hate womens who are always crying and whinning. Like Bella Swan in the infamous twilight saga. Talking about school, I know I sound dramatic about my life, but I am not bullied or anything, however when you're half blind with scars here and there, people see you as different. They place you appart because you're not like them, you look odd. I do have friends however, a closed little group who knows how to have fun.

Life, some say, is cruel and unforgiving. I don't believe so. There can always be a second chance, if you look for it. As well as work for it. But whatever. I know I'll get my second chance, but what's to say I won't waste it for revange? I'm a grudge holder, I do what I want as I please when I'm angry. Some people found that messing with me or my family can be fatale.... at least for your reputation. Yeah, I know, some of you won't believe me, after all what can aa 15 years old do? Huh? Well, in 2013, you'd be suprised what one can do. It's like everyone believes every single gossip that runs around the school. They're naive and stupid, thinks they're the best. But I have yet to use any rumors to ruin someone. No, I'm more.... carefull with my work. I love to ruin people, not make their life living hell. No. I let them do what they do best, laugh and insult. And once I have enough material, from recordings and pictures, even voice recording of people agreeing what I say and what they saw, I come in the Lady's office, call you in on what they have been doing, drop the evidence, then go away.

Yeah, you can do that. A boy who had been bullying my little sister Faith was forced to change school because of me. I do feel guilty about it, but you don't mess with my family. Ever. After I reported him, his life became a literal hell. Everyone looked at him the wrong way, parents didn't wannt him over. He moved after a few months, his parents were too ashamed, because they knew and yet let him do it, but also angry, because the aldults were no better then him. They moved so that they would not be targeted by glares and whispers. I saw them when they moved. Call me mean, but I only smiled innocently. And they paled. They knew that I was the one, it was pretty obvious, and I do reckon they feared me because of it. Ever heard of Karma? Yeah, she's my best friend, her and retrebution. But even then I was guilty. The poor boy was ony 10 years old... and yet I made him the most despited person in the neighborhood. But the guilt passed, and life went on as always.

Anywhos, dad also wanted me to write about mom. My mom, Amelia, died at 31 years old. She had beautiful blue eyes with brown hair (Dad too has brown hair, but brown eyes), with pink lips and a charming smile. But what is there really to say? I loved her. We all did. She was always happy, then sun in our lives. You know the drill. Everyone knows it, because everyone loves their moms. Those who doesn't just 'because', well, they don't know the luck they have. I know some mothers are better than others, and that some even hate their own childs, but those who have caring and loving mothers, and they threat her like she's shit under their shoe; those people are my mental punchings bags. They help me release the anger and stress, when I mentally beat them to bloody pulps, ruining their smiling faces, destroying them. Seriously, selfish people should be put in misery. Just so they know. They think they know depression, loss, saddness... that their mothers stop them from doing what they want, that they are old enough to chose for themselves. That they can live on their own and be just fine, without education and nothing.

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