Chapter 1.

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I had a rough childhood caused by an accident that happened in the 7th grade. I was playing basketball, as the captain of the team, but on a DUNK move, I made a great crash. The doctors told me that it was a sprain and two fractures on my hand. Pretty bad, ha? At that time I didn't think is has that bad and yet, the doctors and my mom forbade me to play for the rest of the year. As the captain, I had to choose the best decision for the team. So, I chose another captain and I gave up the team's t-shirt. Giving up the team was a hard decision for me because it was the only thing that I was good at. As time passed, I gave up basketball. It was a huge pressure that was on me to keep me safe, the fear that I will fall again, made me lose my mind everytime I saw a ball and it was to much for me to handle back then. I gave it up. THAT wasn't the best idea ever. I never got back to the team, and I choose an arts high school. I wasn't a great musician, I didn't know so much theory and didn't even like classical music, I was just playing the guitar because it was a gift from my father. The first high school year was a terrible one for me and for that school. Something happened to me that made me went from a sweet nerd to a merciless doudbag. Some rummor spred and it changed me. So much, that I couldnt even recognize myself. I was joining the class gang, bad habbits, addictions, sex, drugs, fight. Yeah, I was fifthteen but I didn't care. Deep down, I was feeling lonely and lost, but I coundnt care less about my soul. I was just having fun ruining and having people to be scare of me. Everybody knew what a bad dude I am. I made a history of breaking rules.

So... Here I am on my first day of 10th grade walking down a boring street on my way to high school. I didn't liked my high school when I got in. For just a little art highscool, having widow bars was to much for me to suport. The schoolyard doesn't have any place to sit down, or trees or just a little spot of grass on the ground... is just cement everywhere. We have uniforms, gross ones, I didn't even buy one to wear, but yeah, Whatever. I know I'm suppouse to say something about the teachers, but they were and are mediocre and very annoying. Some of them know how to not stick their nose into my business but the rest are too boring to talk about.

On that boring street that I was walking on, I saw a girl. She stopped in the middle of the street and looked on a pliable map. She seemed so confused and lost and made me wonder if she was new in town. I went to her with my bad boy attitude and I crossed my hand through my hair. I've noticed that she had a big pair of headphones and the music was so loud that could even listen to it if I wanted to. She was wearing a large black t-shirt with ''Peace and love'' written very sloppy on it with some ripped jeans. A simple look, in my opinion. On the shoulder, she had a backpack full of badges and keychains.
"Hello." I said proudly.
She didn't respond, so I got a little bit frustrated but I tried again.
"Hello miss, are you lost?"
She took off her headphones with a confused face.

- I'm... so so sorry, were you talking to me?

I turned around to look for other people but there weren't any, so I turned back to her.

- You are the only one here, in the middle of the street. Who else should I talk to?

- Ooh... You're right. I'm sorry. She said it with a dumb smile.

- Well... are you going to high school?

I saw something on her face. It was an expression that made me think of a child who gets lost in a supermarket.

- I ...I... I would like to, but I don't know where is it...

- Where are your parents? They didn't come with you? I asked as I would care.

She looked into my eyes with a wild rage that kind'a turned me on. There is only a teenager in that city who had the same wild anger  in his eyes and that's me. I wouldn't think that a little minion like her would have such a Tiger way of looking. She turned off her music and said with a sad face:

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