Chapter 3: Hesitation

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It was absolute silence.

Both Kuroko and Akashi were staring into eachother's eyes; Kuroko staring at the eyed which were once red, but now red and gold.

Akashi was first to speak, "It's been a long while, Tetsuya..." He reached out his hand out for Kuroko.

The bluenette hesitated, shaking intensely. 'Why? For all the people, has to be him?'

Kuroko acted quickly, slapping away Akashi's hand as he balanced himself back up and rushed back outside. He ran and ran through the pavement, bumping into others, but he didn't care at the slightest, he wanted that redhead out of his life.

Kuroko stopped by a brick wall, panting heavily and his chest in pain. He checked behind him, no sign of Akashi. He forced himself to calm down, breathe in, breathe out.

As he managed to breathe properly, Kuroko felt somewhat guilty, he loved Akashi and deep inside, still he did now, so why? Why did he ran away from Akashi?

"God I'm an idiot!" Kuroko muttered as he leaned back down onto the wall behind him.

"I messed up again..."


"Tetsuya!" Akashi yelled, he was outside the library after the boy had ran out. "Great now I fucking lost him!" He cursed under his breath as he walked back into the building but was interrupted when he heard someone approaching.

"Is everything alright Sei?" A chestnut haired boy, named Furihata Kouki, slowly made his way to the redhead. Akashi nodded.

"I'm okay babe, it's just that I saw Tetsuya..." He explained, a little sadness in his tone.

"Tetsuya? You mean Kuroko Tetsuya? Your ex?"

"Yes, I bumped into him inside the library, but he ran away as soon as I tried to help-"

"Sei..." Furihata growled, he dangerously raised a hand to Akashi's face. Slapping him hard.


"Ow Kouki! What the hell?!" Akashi growled as he rubbed his cheek in pain.

Furihata gained closer to him with a glare, "Kuroko-kun is not yours anymore, he once was, but you broke up with him, you don't derseve him, you only belong to me, not to anyone else. You got that Sei?"

Akashi sighed, still rubbing his cheek "Yes, Kouki."

Furihata smiled and entwined their hands together, "Better now, let's go Sei." He stepped forward boldly and gave a tiny peck on his boyfriend's lips.

They both got out from the library to the outside world, still holding their hands.



Kuroko knocked the oak door, he was outside of Kagami's apartment. It was Saturday, the weekends, so Kagami would be huddled up in his room or something.

The door opened creating a faint creak as Kagami appeared, Kuroko stared at his face, noticing the dark bags under the taller's velvet eyes.

"Yo, Kuroko." Even Kagami's voice sounded tired and exhausted.

"Kagami-kun? Did you slept last night?" Kuroko asked worryingly.

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