Chapter 8: Welcome back, Oreshi

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Did I miss anything?"

"Ah! there you are Akashicchi!" Kise watched as Akashi walked into the hospital room. He glanced at the blond then at Kuroko -who was propped against the wall, still in bed-.

Kuroko immediately averted his eyes from the redhead's as he dug deeper into the sheets. Akashi sighed deeply but his eyes spotted the closed jar on the wooden table next to the white bed; blood-covered flowers were filled to the brim.

He remembered how the bluenette coughed them out, it was a horrifying sight to watch, yet he saw.

"Kuroko," Akashi suddenly blurted out, which caused Kuroko to jolt up, "Can we speak... In private..?" He slowly nodded at Kise, the blond understood and got up from the stool, leaving the remaining two together.

The first few minutes consisted of silence until Akashi broke it, "I broke up with him... Furihata Kouki..."

The blue haired male looked up, "W-Why did you-?"

"Tetsuya," Akashi stared into the turquoise, blue eyes, "If I explain what had been happening before this whole thing happened, then you can... Understand, I hope..."

Kuroko kept quiet, allowing the redhead to explain everything.

"Me and Kouki's relationship was a, what you call a... 'Toxic' relationship. I despised him really, I was never meant to be in this affair. The thing is... He forced me into this relationship, Kouki threatened me that he'll hurt someone special to me if I don't accept his confession. So I had to, I don't want the one I love so dearly hurt, broken..."

"Who is this... Special someone..?" Kuroko brought up the question.

"It was you, Tetsuya," Akashi smiled due to the other's surprise, "I still had those feelings for you ever after we graduated from middle school, I felt guilt when I broke up with you. I shouldn't have because..." He curled up his hand around Kuroko's, "I realised, that I still loved you. That I needed you more than anything..."

There was a pause, they gazed into eachother. Kuroko let out a heartwarming chuckle, he squeezed Akashi's hand with tears flowing in his eyes, "Thank you, Akashi-kun... I love you too..."

Akashi exhaled in relief and hastily leaned forward, planting a longing kiss on the smaller's lips, hand cupping Kuroko's cheek. Kuroko closed his eyes, melting into the kiss as the tears rolled down.

It went on for a minute until they had to part. Akashi wiped away the rest of Kuroko's tears with his thumb.

"Oreshi..." Bokushi gently called out for his other side.

"How I'm glad to meet you again Bokushi," Oreshi gave a bright grin, "So... Is it time to, you know..."

"Yes, You can take control again. I've already done what I had to do..."

"Are you sure Bokushi?" Oreshi asked.

"Of course I am, I am absolute after all..." They both laughed but it eventually died out when Bokushi began to fade away.

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