Chapter 6: Recovering

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"Akashicchi?" The slide door opened and the blond teen -Kise Ryouta- entered the dim room, his hands reached for the light switch which caused the ceiling light to flicker on. Kise watched Akashi as the redhead turned back from the stool with his tired heterochromia eyes glued to him.

"Jesus Christ!" Kise slowly backed away, "Did you had a rough night Akashicchi?"

Akashi shrugged without saying a word; his dark bags were clearly visible and the whites of his eyes faded into bloodshot red.  His hair was messy as it was going in different directions and his broad shoulders were slumped in dismay.

It has been eleven months since Kuroko was admitted to hospital and yet, the still unconscious bluenette wouldn't open his cerulean blue eyes. Kise heard about what happened when the accident appeared in the news the day after the crash, he immediately rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard, finding a sobbing Akashi and the sleeping Kuroko; and ever since, the blond would visit Kuroko about five times a month. Kagami and the coach would come too, occasionally, but not too often.

Akashi on the other side had stayed by Kuroko's side almost everytime, sometimes  even slept by his bed throughout the night. He still went to school in Rakuzan and still went back home but usually he would spend most of his free time staring at Kuroko and waiting.

"Eleven months has passed, Ryouta," Akashi's voice was rather hoarse and croaky, "And still, Tetsuya haven't woke up...  Next month will be December, it will almost be the end of the year. He should be awake by then... I can't wait any longer..."

"He will, you can just hope for the best Akashicchi," Kise walked beside the exhausted redhead and glanced at Kuroko, "Have you said anything yet to him while in a coma?"

"...Only once..." Akashi rubbed his eyes.

"Whatever you said, then Kurokocchi will understand," The blond stopped for a moment, "Akashicchi... Do you know?"

"Know what?"

"The illness Kurokocchi has," Kise faced Akashi, "Hanahaki Disease."


"W-Where am I?" Kuroko glanced down at his bare hands, it was smaller than before, he then shot up to find himself in the streets, children and parents were going in and out of toy stores, "I remember this... I was six... It was late December and my aunt left me here while she was at work..."

The six year old boy watched as a trio just got out from a store, a mother, a father, a daughter. he observed the mother as she gave her daughter the wrapped box, the daughter joyfully unwrapped it and immediately dropped the box down with a stuffed bear gripped in her hand. The girl jumped up, hugging her mother and father with a bright expression beyond happiness. Kuroko could barely make out the tears forming in her eyes.

That scene almost reminded him of his third birthday, his parents giving him a gift when they still gave him false sympathy. "I'm just a messed up child, an unwanted son," Kuroko smiled bitterly at the memory, "A scum to society, a burden..."

"Why are you crying?" A voice of pity reached out to the teal haired boy, Kuroko looked up and touched his cheek, he didn't realise the tears streaming down his soft cheeks. He stared at the dark, chestnut haired boy approaching. Kuroko fell speechless, he immediately recognised the six year old boy.

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