Chapter 4: A Secret, Another Flower

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"I love you."

"Wait... W-What?" Kuroko stammered as he stood up. His sapphire, blue eyes met with ruby, red eyes. Kagami took one step towards Kuroko, pulling a shaky smile.

"I said, I love you Kuroko," He took another step, "I had a crush on you since we first met."

Another step, Kagami and Kuroko were just inches apart. "K-Kagami-kun w-what are you doin-" The smaller boy was interrupted as Kagami held him in a tight embrace. Kuroko shook as if there was a great drop of temperature inside the apartment.

He gritted his teeth, small tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry Kagami-kun but," Kuroko apologized before pushing Kagami away as hard as he can, "I can't return these feelings! Because I l-love somebody else!"

Kuroko then ran out of the apartment, he felt the warm tears clinging onto his cold cheeks. He finally stopped as soon as he was out of breath, he breathed in shallow pants and looked around him, surely Kagami didn't follow after Kuroko. Right?

The sixteen-year-old was in a playground, it was isolated since it was night outside, around eight or seven. He spotted a wooden bench and sat down, his teal eyes observed the dark skies with the moon hung up high in the sky and the silver, shiny stars emitting light across the dark.

Kuroko breathed out a small sigh, "It's a beautiful view outside... But Kagami-kun, did I really lose him?" His throat felt a stinging pain, "Oh my G-God... Does he hate me now? N-No... My friends in Teiko n-now him? And Akashi-kun, he tricked me into loving him, t-to think he actually loved me..."

He coughed loudly, rasping. Tears once again fell when his eyes caught the colorful flowers disperse on the grassy ground. He suddenly remembered what Takahashi had said about Hanahaki disease. 

"Hanahaki... Comes from Hana which means 'flower' and Hakimasu which means 'to throw up'..."

He sobbed, "How can I make this d-disease go away?"

"Kurokocchi! Why are you crying?"


Kuroko took away his hands from his face and gaped at the smiling face of the blond in front of him, eyes wide. 


"Kise-kun? W-Why?"


As Akashi descended downstairs, he could see Furihata and his father chatting by the dinner table, his boyfriend was first to notice him as he gave a smug grin to the redhead (much to his disgust).

Akashi approached them, "Hello Otousan... Furihata." His voice was full of venom but his father didn't mind, Furihata giggled nervously and -forcefully- pulled Akashi in a hug.

The brown haired boy whispered into his ear, "Smile Seijuro. Or else the deal is broken. You still remember do you? Then smile."

Akashi clenched his fist and brought out a fake smile, Furihata smiled too and pushed Akashi away, satisfied.

This was all a mess, Akashi never liked him and never will. It was all because of that...

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