"Amber Cobalt.." The principal calls out as he hands out the diploma. I walk to the podium and collect the sheet of rolled paper. Feeling almost, accomplished. "It's Amelia." I whisper to the principal that I am far to familiar with, with a smile. I stay put where I am. I don't leave my spot on the side of the podium. Everyone in the crowd and all of the graduates look over at one another in confusion. My principal coughs and then whispers very subtly; "Amelia. Off the stage." I take a deep breath out and explain to her, I simply can not. I walk over to where the mic is, so my voice can project through the football field.

          "I promised someone I would meet them halfway if they were willing to look back." Everyone sat in silence. Relatives and friends of Luke all turn to him. I see him standing in the line, awaiting this stupid sheet of paper that tells you you made it through four years of hell you wouldn't be here for if it weren't the law. It reminds you not only of countless hours you spent on homework but on the countless hours you spent trying to be someone you're not. If this was my writings posted all over my room shared amongst 12 girls, or even the thoughts that fill my head right now, I probably would have won valdictorian. But I didn't because I was so afraid of what people think. But now that's it over, all I want is to redo it.

          "If there is one thing high school has taught me, it's that you can't give up on other people, especially if those people are the ones who made you not give up on yourself." The crowd is still silent, yet no one is stopping me. "You know who you are. And right now we stand halfway from each other of the football field, like you said. I'm begging you not to give up, because you didn't give up on me." I step away from the mic and take a seat next to the graduates with the diploma. My principal coughs into the mic and continues calling out the name in alphabetical order.


        My name get's called and my heart stops. Four years of my life is over, and the second my fingers meet the diploma, it's official. But most importantly, I'm 5 steps away from what I wanted since the beginning. Every step I take I hear the thud of my heart. I see my two brothers, Gabriella, my mom and Dad get up from their seats and cheer. They are proud I made it. I'm proud I helped her make it. The steps up are done. Now the steps down brings what I've been waiting for down to seconds. This is going to be more life changing than any stupid sheet of paper in my hands. It's here. It's now.

      She gets up, so close the tips of our shoes are touching. She pulls a necklace out from her gown, and my hearing focuses on her instead of the loud stereos shouting out more kids names. "This isn't anybodies. It's mine, but it doesn't belong to whatever it is that wants me. That was your idea from the start. Now, this is mine. And I know exactly what I want." She tells me with the most sparkling green in her eyes that I've ever seen. She knows why I was upset. I knew how she felt, always. And here we are, standing tip of shoe to tip of shoe.

      "I loved you four years ago, for reasons I soon learned wasn't even you. And now that I know you I love you more. You met me half way, Amelia. I'm in love with you." It almost comes out as a breathe. Her facial expression hasn't changed yet.



       "I love your eyes."

       "Thank you." I smirk lightly.

        "That doesn't mean I still don't love your hair, or your height, or your smile, or your laugh, or-"

      "I get it, Amy." I chuckle lightly, seeing her smile.

       "And, I love you." My heart stops for the 40th time today. After everything I heard in my lifetime; this is the best.

     "For being everything I wasn't when I needed it. For being you. I love you for being you."

     Ethan and Dylan come rushing into our crowd and start yelling of complete and utter joy. "Guys it's time!" They say referring to the cap toss. We all stand at the podium and wait for the countdown.

      "The graduating class of 2017!" "WOOAHH!!!" All the cheers become too much for your ears to handle, yet we deal with it and toss our caps. Dylan and Ethan pick up Amelia onto their shoulders and chant like their lives depended on it. I just laugh as I feel Calum, Ashton and Michael start pushing me around. Michael graduated last year and Ashton graduated two years ago, but that doesn't stop them from being here all days of the school year. To be quite honest, I believe they showed up more since they've graduated then when they attended the school. Calum and I try fixing our hair due to the major hat hair we just gained after we threw the caps in the air.

       Dylan and Ethan put Amelia down and she rushes over to us. She wraps her arms delicately around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. No hollers or pats on the back rather than dropped jaws and shocked faces. "Did that seriously just happen?" Dylan calmly questions once the event had passed. "Did Hemmings just get a girl?" Ethan runs over to me and pushes me in a laughing manner. "No. Hemmings just got the girl." Dylan corrects as he wraps his arm around her shoulder. "It's all good though, she's coming home with me." I just shook my head and laughed. "Seriously though, I'm in the next room, don't get any ideas." He continues as Amelia pushes him off.

"Guys." Ethan interrupts our joyful mood with a rather stern statement. Little did we know he meant no harm. Just pure happiness. "We made it." Amelia just smirked. "Yeah. We did."

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