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          The second month of the summer was beginning as everything started to end. We all knew our summer of fun, last summer of being a true teenager, was coming to an end. In a short month we will all be attending our new life path. Luke's university is an hour away and we are going to have to deal with the distance and uneventful, yet busy, schedules. Growing up is weird, but nothing short of the feeling of accomplishment. I've come a long way from everything with the help of the most important person/people in my life. I will be able to get through anything with them.

       Even though our young high school days are over, we head back, in Luke's same old black truck. The boys got asked to be in an interview with our school journalism teacher since their song that formed in music class ended up being a hit on the local radio stations in Sydney.

      Luke pinches the bridge of my nose with the knuckles of his pointer and middle finger, striking me his best squishy nosed face as they get called into the interview. I sit and gladly watch from the sidelines. As he walks into the interview, they wave to the camera and the lady about to be interviewing them. That lady may be our journalism teacher, however, it's still the interview lady about to interview the upcoming band in Sydney. I mean, I hope? A rockstar boyfriend? That sounds pretty cool.

      "It's kinda like a When Two Ends Meet situation."  Luke answers the question about the safety pin logo, and the single within itself. He turns to look me with a smug smirk as he winks.

       With that I knew. Even if it's just a safety pin holding us together, he held me even when I pushed him away. And that was enough for me for a lifetime.

       A while passes and I start to get bored of the interview. When it isn't Luke talking with passion in his eyes, there isn't a point of paying attention. I pull out my notebook from a backpack I brought and flip through the pages like I'm flipping through my memories. It's true what they say; when you fall in love with a writer you never die. Everything is in these letters upon blue lined pages.

"You know better than that Amelia."

"Two more steps Amy."

"There is one you. Stop pretending."

Every voice to ever be spoken in my head, the day of which they appeared, what triggered the voice, and what made it stop. Funny how I see a pattern.

Reason of stop: Blue eyes- Luke

Reason of stop: Blue eyes- Luke

Reason of stop: Blue eyes- Luke

Reason of stop: Blue eyes- Luke

Reason of stop: Blue eyes- Luke

And that goes on for the next 10 pages. I hated those stupid blue orbs but they soon became my comfort. Quite ironically, there is one page left in this old and destroyed notebook. I have a pen handy on me. And believe me, I am Amelia Cobalt. So there are always thoughts to write down.


I see her focus her gaze to her paper with the contact of the ink to the page. Good luck getting her to look up now. She's lost in the sea of her thoughts and she won't be able to get out until what she needs to say is written. Luckily, the interview is over by the time her pen runs out of ink.

"Luke, can you stop here? I want to get something." She tells me as I pull into the parking lot of the plaza. She gets out of the car and gets what she needs. Probably a working pen. I pick up her notebook and read from where she left off.

Dear old ass notebook I should have thrown out years ago,

My god. You hold everything. All my thoughts and every word that couldn't escape my mouth. Now that this is done, and that the voices are gone, I think this is over. You had your time and mine is starting to begin. You helped me through so freaky much but as far as I'm concerned, I have a new method. He has these stupid eyes I can't even see because he towers over me like the giraffe he is, with a stupid primary colour that makes up everything else in this stupid spectrum we call life. I think for once, in four years, I actually don't need you. All I need is in him. He not only helps me not to hear them, or go away temporarily, but go away for good. I haven't had a voice except my own since him, and that means everything to me. Your time is done, thank you for everything.

Amelia col-

And the pen fades out. She comes back in the car with a pack of colour pens. She stares at me with a worrisome look.

"What?" She questions me.

"Amelia, did you call me a giraffe?" We both burst into laughter. It's still my favourite sound even though I've come to hear it every time Ethan tickles her, or when Dylan makes a terrible joke. Or when Mike, Cal, Ash and I are all goofing around with a guitar and keyboard.


Our hands make contact with each other, finger tip to finger tip, blue eyed stare to green eyed stare, and connect our hands until our palms completely mould together. I stare at those blue eyes and can't wait to see how else they make up the entire spectrum of my world. And just like that, we made two completely opposite ends meet.

When Two Ends Meet//LRHWhere stories live. Discover now