Chapter 3: Bruised Hearts and Flying Skirts (The Present Day)

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Chapter 3: Bruised Hearts and Flying Skirts (The Present Day)

A hundred years had passed – Aegoria had healed from the last battle.

Wounds licked and cleaned.

The witches were trapped in the dark world – for now. Their existence, those of the Guardians and the Gods were now nothing more than fairytales. The people had turned their backs on magic refusing to believe. The elders were dying - taking their stories and tales, of magic and the Gods, with them to their graves.

The world had changed – was changing.

Magic was fading and only few still had great power; but those few were persecuted and hunted throughout the land; targeted and caught like animals.

Aegoria had also changed.

After a Great Civil War, Aegoria had split into the two kingdoms; the North and South. A civil war which had had caused many to become prey to Death - who had walked proudly through the streets, daemons hot on its heels.

Death and destruction had plagued the land and its people.

But now all was peaceful – only the whisperings of another war caused panic to rise in people – like chickens waiting for the slaughter, the people waited for the whispers to become reality. 

Meanwhile, the Guardians searched for the Chosen Child, waiting for a sign – any sign that the child was alive. Lana was one of these Guardians who now patrolled the cities in silence; the great duty hanging over they’re shoulders.

All the Gods could do was sit and wait – watching from the Heavens above.

Watching all.  



Rose walked slowly up the hill holding her skirts in her hands so that she could walk without tripping.


Her long red gown hung around her frail figure; tight along her arms and chest before threading out into a deeper red that trailed around her ankles. Her black hair plaited down her back in a loose knot.


She stopped – stopped everything; breathing, moving, thinking. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t rip away the only thing that meant anything to her – the thing that kept her going.

The only person who had ever loved her.

Lilac circles underlined her eyes – crescent moons drawn on by fallen angels. Her cheeks paled and she dropped her skirts and held her arms around her waist in a tight hug.

He was here.

Standing at the top of the hill under a tree stood a figure, back towards her, looking over the forest below.


She muffled a cry which sat impatiently in her throat begging to be let out. Tears stung her eyes and everything stopped – she couldn’t do this.

His blonde hair hung around his princely head, freckles of colour contorting around him through the branches of the giant oak tree – their tree.

Nausea rose inside her and she held her throat in panic. Not now. Not ever.

Her legs began to walk towards him before her mind has realised her actions – but it was too late.  Her body raced to be near his, to feel his caramel flesh on hers and his hands tangled in her hair.

Their bodies knotted together – together.

He heard her coming well before she got to his side and as he turned his face brightened immediately at the sight of her. The sunlight twinkled in his eyes giving him a childlike look – devilish.

She didn’t give him a chance to talk but rather ran straight into his body wanting never to parted, wanting his arms around her shielding her from everything. Everything she has to do.

The choice she has to make.

His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close into him; her head resting on his chest – hearing the flittering of his royal heart.

    “Henry” she looked up into his eyes, her lips quivering as tears sprung to her grey eyes.

   “Rose?” He stepped back his face full of concern “What is it?”

Rose couldn’t bear what she had to do.

Her heart was breaking into a million pieces and she hadn’t even told him yet.

His golden eyes stared down at her, his brow crinkled as he watched her intently. His hands hanging loosely on her hips, moving in comforting circles.

“Tell me”

“I can’t” Rose whimpered looking at her feet, not able to look into those eyes.


Henry lifted her chin with his thumb and looked into her eyes willing her to tell him.

This is why he will be such a good king Rose thought as she stared back into his eyes. She swallowed and opened her dry mouth and pleaded for something to come out – any words that could explain to him why she would crush him now.

Why she was going to break both of them.

“Henry” she whispered and took his face in her pale hands “I love you so much.” Tears edged their way out of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks. “But...I can’t be with you anymore.”

 Henry froze, the normal loose muscles in his face stiffening between her fingers. His hands clasped on top of hers and took them away swiftly.

“I don’t understand, Rose” he said looking at her with dull brown eyes instead of his golden – the king having hidden itself away inside of him.

 “We both knew this would never last, couldn’t last.”

He looked as if she had slapped him in the face. Nothing could have prepared her for the hurt in his eyes.

She reached out but Henry took hold of her hands “I love you Rose, do you know that?”

Rose’s stomach dropped and her heart ached at the sight of him hurt. She loved him more than anything and the urge to hold his face in her hands and kiss him burned inside of her. She had no words – there was nothing left.

This was the end.

 “We’re both engaged to other people and you’re the prince. I can’t love you anymore... I can’t” she whispered and stepped away from him leaving an empty gap between their bodies.

His eyes hardened and she could see the conflicting emotions fighting inside of him.

He knew it was over.

 “I understand.” He said slowly before turning around and walking towards his horse, his golden hair twirling in the wind and that invisible ghost crown burning above his head. He was a figure people turned to look at; his dark exterior and bright golden hair.

 The boy she knew was gone – a king had replaced him. 

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