Chapter 16: The Circus

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Chapter 16: The Circus 

 Cecilie ran through the cold night a smile spreading across her face and tears stinging her eyes. 

She needed to find Charles... she needed him. 

 As she made the way through the village passing staring windows and the occasional black shadows of cats that padded silently across roofed houses -  her heart beating a little faster. 




His name lingered at the edge of her mind and washed along her tongue as she thought about how much she loved him. How he seemed to fill the empty spaces that nothing else seemed to fill - he was her other half.

She ran down the cobbled street  towards the circus tents, which towered over the village - blowing over whith shadowed claws fluttering in the wind. 

Running past the large tent she made her way to his wagon which stood slightly apart from the other circus wagons. She smiled to herself - her teeth flashing in the weak light. 

She walked quietly past sleeping creatures and stumbled over boxes and tools left lying on the ground - she finally made her way up to the wagon her heart thumping in her chest ready to explode. 

Cecilie knocked on the door and waited for his face to meet hers - for his eyes to light up as they always did. 

As she waited in the cool night she heard a litle thump and the thud of feet on the floor of the wagon before the latch of the door opened and Charles stood in the doorway rubbing his eyes while holding a candle. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light he snapped up and pulled Cecilie into the wagon with his free hand - "What are you doing here?" he said slightly out of breath. 

"I am comming with you. Now before you tell me that I can't and that my life is here in Herrfield, well you can stop right there. Nothing you say or do will stop me from comming...I love you Charles and I can't bear to see you go one more time."

Charles stared at her blankly before moving in quickly and planting his lips firmly on hers. He put the candle down and wrapped his arms around Cecilie's waist. She let his hands travel down her waist and pull her skirts up. He shifted himself and pushed Cecilie against the wall of the wagon and with one hand he swiped all papers off his small desk and propped her onto it. 

"I love you Cecilie" her murmed between kisses that he planted on her neck and cheeks. 

Cecilie's eyes brimmed with tears and they fell silently over her smiling cheeks. Charles looked up and wiped them away with his tough thumbs and pulled her into a deep kiss. 

"I love you my darling" he whispered hoarshly breathing deeply "I never want to leave you ever again"

His hands pushed up her skirts his hands rising along the pale skin of her thighs. Cecilie's hands pulled his body closer between her legs before wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. She moaned softly as Charles kissed the bridge of her collar bone moving her dress gently off her shoulders. 

He picked her up while she held his face in her cupped hands - their lips firmly tied together. 

He smoothly lowered her onto his bed and moved on top of her. He lifted his face away from hers his eyes looking longingly at her - Cecilie saw the question without him needing to ask it and she nodded her head. 

"Are you sure?" he whipsered pushing a red curl out of her face. 

"I am always sure of you" Cecilie whispered back pulling his soft red lips back to her.

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