Chapter 21: Cole

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Chapter 21: Cole 

Rose turned to look away from Cole, her cheeks flaming and her grey eyes clouding. He stood inches away from her, his male musk floating through the air and his perfect muscles gleaming with sweat - he was naked. 

"Are you going to let me help you up or not?" 

Rose laughed under her breath, was he serious? She opened her eyes and scooted away from him and stood so that her back was facing him "You're naked" Rose spat "So no, I can look after myself just fine."

Cole grunted and shifted his weight onto his left foot "Being trapped in my unicorn form didn't leave me a lot of time to grab some clothes" 

Rose closed her eyes, he did have a point. "Wait here, don't move otherwise I'll kill you" she turned towards Charles's wagon catching Cole's eye as she walked past him "Don't move, I mean it" 

Cole put his hands up defensively and leaned against his cage and smirked as Rose ran past. 

Knocking on Charles door and waiting felt like forever, until Cecilie opened the door and her eyes widdened in surprise "Ros-" she began but Rose cut her off "I need some of Charles's clothes, don't ask why it's a long story

Cecilie nodded and turned away from the door and returned with a pile of clothes in her arms, she walked out of the door and shut it behind her. "What's going on Rose?" 

Rose looked down and looked at her hands, where to start? People keep calling me the Chosen Child, the dream, the wolf, Cole... "I just need you to trust me Cec, there's a lot going on in my life right now" 

Cecilie nodded and sighed 'Fine, just tell me if it starts to get too much for you" then she lay the clothes in Rose's arms "Charles also told me to tell you that you'll be practicing sword fighting tomorrow with him." 

Oh yeah I'd forgotten that...

"Oh yes right, I'll meet him outside my wagon in the morning" 

Cecilie nodded and watched as Rose turned around and disappeared into the night and hugged her arms around her before turning back to the wagon into Charles's warm embrace. 


"Here" Rose chucked the clothes towards Cole and stood so her back was facing him as he got into the clothes. 

"You can turn round now princess" 

Rose turned around flustered and growled slightly facing the smiling man in front of her "Don't call me that" 

Cole winked and sat down on the edge of the cage, his face suddenlyb turning serious "Okay lets talk now" 

Rose nodded and let the anger float off her and allowed herself to sit next to Cole; "So you're a man?"

"Yes" Cole answered running his fingers through his black hair not looking at Rose. 

"And you're a unicorn?"

"Right again" 

"So you're a man and a unicorn? How exactly does that work?" Rose asked running the event through her mind. 

"I am a were-unicorn, meaning that I can shift into my unicorn at will, except for when I'm in that cage" he said gesturing to the bars behind them. 

Rose's brows furrowed "Why were you trapped in this cage...why would Old Babba do that.." Rose's eyes widdened and she jumped off the cage and drew Mesalder and held it to Cole's throat "Unless you did something very bad" 

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