Chapter 2

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I'm feeling much more confident today in a pair of dress pants and simple shirt. Prim insisted on dressing up my look with a chunky necklace she swears is in style. I glance quickly at my watch as I make my way into the towering office building. It's 7:59 as I push the button to the elevator. As the door opens, Effie stands with her arms at her sides. The sight of me elicits a big toothy smile from her.

"Good morning! Come, come! We're already running behind and we have a big, big, big day!" She motions for me to step into the elevator. I notice once again that she's dressed to the nines. Today her hair is home to a number of small flower clips, each matching the new light blue streaks in her hair. I find myself wondering when she has time to repeatedly dye her hair. I note that her dress suit is a striking shade of blue that perfectly matches her very high heels. I'm thankful in that moment that I ditched mine in exchange for comfortable black flats today.

"You've got some paperwork waiting for you down in HR that you'll need to fill out before you officially get started. After that, we'll meet and discuss your job duties." Effie pulls out her phone and proceeds to tap around furiously as if making notes. She turns to me and asks if I have any questions. I shake my head no and we proceed to exit the elevator as the doors open into a windowless room. The lack of daylight and the buzz of the florescent lights make me feel a bit caged. I swallow my feelings and follow Effie to a large desk where a red headed girl sits filing her nail.

"Lavinia, darling. Will you please see to it that Katniss here gets her paperwork filled out?" Effie stands pin-straight with her hands folded in front of her. Waiting.

Lavinia gives a quick nod of her head, but makes no move to get anything done quickly. She goes back to finish filing her nail, then reaches for a thick folder to her left. It lands on the desk with a thud. Effie appears to startle.

"Very well." She says as she turns to head back to the elevator leaving me and my paperwork alone.

Endless. The paperwork is endless. After signing my name to what feels like the thousandth piece of paper, Lavinia directs me upstairs to find Effie. As I step off the elevator, I take a moment to look at the numerous hangings on the wall. "Panem's Powerful" one headline reads with a photo of Peeta and his brother dominantly displayed. The subtitle reads, "Their rags to riches story."

"Like what you see?" A deep voice coos, visibly startling me from my investigation. I turn to see Rye looking smug at having scared me.

"Good morning, Mr. Mellark" I reply calmly without giving him the satisfaction of knowing that my heart is pounding out of my chest. He motions for me to proceed forward. I feel his hand brush my back as he guides me further down the hall.

"You'll be working directly for my brother. I have to warn you though, he's not exactly thrilled to be getting an assistant. He's been pretty convinced he can do it on his own," he divulges. "Which may have been the case several years ago, but we've become too big very fast and it's hard for him to keep up. Effie is only one person, and while she's very capable, it's not fair to expect that of her. You understand, of course?"

He gives me a tight smile as we come to a stop outside of a large wooden door. He pushes it open to reveal a very serious-looking Peeta sitting at his desk. Shirt sleeves rolled up, tie loosened, and hands poised over his keyboard. A garden of butterflies erupts in my stomach. I can't figure out why I'm suddenly so nervous.

"Working hard, or hardly working, lil' bro?" Ryan shouts over.

Peeta brings his arm to the back of his neck. I notice a tattoo on the side of his forearm slip out from under his shirt sleeve. When he looks up, he and I lock eyes and, what I think is a genuine smile, spreads across his face. I return his smile and tuck my hair behind my ears as he comes from behind his desk; taken by surprise by his change in brash behavior from yesterday. He takes a seat on the front edge and folds his arms defensively across his chest. The smile falls from his face as he remarks, "I see you brought my babysitter back."

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