Journal 2: 5/6/2014

25 2 0

It's duh.

Anyway, I've been having a rough couple days. My mom took my phone away Saturday, the 3rd because I took my sister's plate. Like, wut?!

You're guess is as good as mine. So, now, I'm using my dad's laptop.

Me and my friend Ally made this video thingy for school. It's on bullying. I feel like we're talking too much about it lately. Like, "don't bully", "stop bullying", "if you're being bullied, tell a 'trusted adult'"

Just shut up. We know it's an issue, but you don't need to address it everyday. Thank you. Sincerely, EVERY STUDENT IN THE SCHOOL.

Yeah, it's that bad. Now you feel my pain and you probably feel bad for me. Or nah.


I love them ((: hehe.. DON'T JUDGE MEH

Caps lock is amazing!!! you can emphasize words without even trying...i really don't know.

IM LOSING IT!!!!! my phone is what keeps me sane. without it, i dunno how to spell. jk. im actually a really good speller. i took off spell check & autocorrect on my phone because it changed my words into words i didnt want.

I've also been in a couple spelling bees. i won the first one, got 5th in the second (they were accepting the top 7) and didnt place in the third (because i didnt know how to spell yacht...) anyway, this was a couple years ago.

I hope you guys arent reading this because this is better than my other books...even though I completely agree that it's more funny (because im completely hilarious), my books arent THAT bad...i hope.

Anyway, i'll write later because my dad is wondering what im doing and i dont have an answer.

Byee!! I love you guys <3

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