On The Run: The Intro

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I was sitting in the corner of my room breathing heavily whilst he walked backwards and forwards muttering things to himself. I thought I'd gotten away, I thought I was now safe from him but I wasn't. He seemed to be everywhere, his obsession grew more and more and now I was too scared to even move. He stopped and turned around to face me, another tear rolled down my cheek and he knelt down to my level.

'Baby, why are you crying ? You know I love you. I want us to be together.' I slowly shook my head, staring into his eyes. He was insane. He'd completely lost it and I no longer recognised him.

'P-Please... just let me go.' I stuttered and he ran his hands through his blonde hair and looked at me.

'I can't do that, you'll go straight back to that bastard.' He said and I swallowed hard, I was scared for my life. I needed Jamal but he wasn't here. Whilst he was looking out the window I silently crawled over to my bedside table where I saw a glass and picked it up, I aimed perfectly and threw it, he ducked and it smashed to pieces once it hit the wall. Without a second thought I got up and ran towards the door, still crying. My vision blurred from the tears and I missed a step trying to run as fast as I could down the stairs. I fell and my body rolled down half of the steps and my head hit the floor as I fell. I could barely see, but I could see the outline of his body as he got closer to me and a warm liquid trailed down the side of my head...


I smiled once I closed the front door and rested my head against it, tonight was great once again. Harry had taken me out, he treats me all the time without fail. Every single day he'd pick me up from school since he was 18 and I was 16. I kicked off my heels and went into the kitchen where my mum was kicking.

'Natalie, how was it?' My mum asked once she saw me smiling.

'It was great, I had fun. He took me out to eat and we just went back to his.' She turned around.

'Did you use-'

'Mum, we didn't have sex. I'm not ready for that yet.'

'Good, because you know what your father would do.' I nodded and kissed her on her cheek.

'Good night mum.'

'Buonanotte.' I smiled and went upstairs to my room, I closed the door and I could have sworn I heard something in my room but I ignored it and got undressed. I wrapped my towel around myself and went to have a shower and brush my teeth. I tied my long dark brown curly hair into a ponytail and went to get dressed for bed once I finished I checked my phone and saw I had 7 messages from Harry... I looked at it weirdly and opened them all, they all said the exact same thing. 'I love you, good night x' Maybe he'd sent them by accident, but 7 times? I let it slide and put my phone on the side and closed my eyes.

I woke up early next morning and turned off my phone alarm, I had another text from Harry saying 'Morning, you look beautiful ;) I'll pick you up after school xxx' I didn't smile too much, infact I thought it was a little creepy.

My phone started ringing and I picked up;

'Hello?' I said and rubbed my eyes.

'Nat! Babes, how was last night?'

'Fine I guess, Emma he keeps texting me.'

'Clingy? He probably just likes you a lot Nat, why wouldn't he your bloody beautiful.' I raised my eyebrow, not sure about that.

'Whatever, I got 7 texts from him in the space of 3 minutes each and it all said the same thing.'

'Really? Er... that's weird. Tell him to leave you alone then.'

'But I don't want to be rude.'

'Okay, then leave it, don't stress about it and hurry up and get ready because I'll be at yours in 40 minutes.'

'Alright, easier said than done.' I hung up and put my phone back on the side. Maybe he did like me and he just didn't know how to be so unclingy if that's how to describe it. I went to get ready for school and when I finished I sat infront of the mirror straightening my hair. My mum was fully italian and my dad's english so yeah I'm white, well I'm really tanned. I have green eyes and long dark brown hair. I live with my mum and dad, my younger brother Dylan who's 10. My dad was normally often at work or just busy so I didn't see him all the time. I picked my bag up and went downstairs ready for an eventful day at school.


Hmm... what do you think is going on?


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