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**PLEASE READ THIS SO YOU WON'T GET CONFUSED --> DON'T ASK ME WHAT AGE EVERYONE IS IN THE COMMENTS BECAUSE I'M GOING TO ANSWER IT HERE: Scar is 34, Evan is 29, their first child is 6 (Greyson), second child is 4 (Harper), Evan is seven and a half months pregnant with their third child (Cooper). Knox is now 51, Poppy is 47, Brock is 26, Troy and Aurora are now 27 and have two kids that are 7 years old (Daxton and Payton) and a little girl that's 2 and a half (Paisley). Ellie is also 29 and Beckett is 35, they have two kids; one is 8 (Knox the second aka Jonathan) and the other is four (Elijah).** 

I CHANGED ELAINA'S NAME TO DANIELLE (I just didn't like it lol) 

Brock's POV

"Sir, your sister is on line one for you," Melody mumbled while peeking her head into my office. She was a good assistant, don't get me wrong, but it made me fucking irate when she constantly tiptoed around me. It'd been this way ever since I hired her. The only reason I kept her around was because she was married and therefore didn't flirt with me like all the others had before her.

"Just take a message, Mrs. Lane. I'm busy at the moment," I muttered, brushing off the phone call as I opened up a new spreadsheet and began plugging figures in everywhere necessary.

"She said to tell you that it's urgent. She refuses to leave a message and wait for a callback," she replied, her face looking worried as she awaited my reply with bated breath. I was known to have an awful temper around the office when things didn't go my way - I could hear the women gossiping about it quietly under their breath whenever I left the room or they thought I was out of earshot. Sometimes the younger women and the interns would mention how hot it was - how they wouldn't mind seeing my anger channeled into passion in bed. That always put a smug smile on my face. What can I say? Men do love having their egos stroked.

The temper was something I couldn't help, though, despite my measly efforts. I liked being in control and I worked day and night to ensure that everything went exactly according to plan - though I guess family was much different than work in essentially every way. Unpredictable and fickle thing, family was. I sighed deeply before nodding and waving her off. She looked relieved to leave the room as she rushed away as quickly as her heeled feet would allow her.

Picking up the phone, I balanced it between my face and shoulder while continuing to type away on my computer. "Hello?" I mumbled into the receiver off-handedly, preparing myself for the verbal berating I knew I was about to receive.

"Brock, why have you been screening my calls? I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks now," Evan's angry, yet exhausted voice accused through the receiver.

"I know. I'm sorry. I've just been really busy with work and everything," I answered evasively. The sound of her upset sigh on the other end immediately making a pang of guilty eat away at my stomach.

"Brock, you promised you would be here. None of us have seen you in two years. The kids keep asking about you. Greyson barely remembers you and Harper doesn't even know who you are anymore when I show her pictures. If you're not here for Cooper's birth like you swore you would be when we found out I was pregnant, I'll never forgive you," she threatened, causing me to push myself away from my desk and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Evan, please-"

"No! Don't you fucking do this! You've chosen work and casual flings with random chicks you meet in the city over your family. Everyone is sick and tired of it. Mom barely even smiles at Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore because she's too busy being worried sick about you, but you don't even care. Do you? You're damn lucky you're the baby of the family, otherwise we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. Dad would've already hunted you down and skinned you alive. Just don't...don't do this. Not this time," she begged, ending her rant on a pleading tone rather than one of aggression as she'd started it with.

Miracle (Carmichael Series #4)✔️Where stories live. Discover now