Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts

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Brock's POV

"What?" Dani blurted in utter disbelief, staring back and forth at the both of us as if we'd just sprouted a second head within the last five seconds.

"Dr. Anderson is a good family friend - she delivered me and all of the rest of my siblings back when she still lived in Charlston. She was a regular at my grandmother's flower shop and my mom's first pregnancy was pretty sudden, so when my grandma mentioned it to her in passing one morning Dr. Anderson worked my mom into her schedule as a favor. She's delivered pretty much every Carmichael child since then. My mom said you'd moved for a better job opportunity and better pay a while back, but she never said where you went. I guess I know now," I grumbled under my breath as she gave me a reprimanding look.

"Mhmm, here I am. Unfortunately, I've heard some not so great things about how you've been choosing to live your life recently, young man. I know your mother raised you better than this. And I'm more than positive your father would have a few choice words for you as well," she scolded with a single raised brow. I threw a sideways glare at Dani before shifting in my seat and refocusing my attention on Dr. Anderson.

"Well, we're here for a doctor's appointment, not an intervention. If we could get this going, that would be great," I grit out, body tensing as my irritation mounted. The only thing reassuring me that Dr. Anderson wasn't going to immediately turn and tattle to my parents about this situation after we left the dinky exam room was her duty to patient confidentiality; she'd be breaking a few major laws by doing so - therefore I knew I was in the clear. For now, at least.

Both women sighed before Dr. Anderson instructed Dani to lay down on the exam table. Dr. Anderson asked her a few more in-depth questions about symptoms and what not than compared to the nurse before leaning back and taking a good look at Dani.

"You look much more relaxed than you did at our appointment last week. You've got a glow about you," she commented with a smile. Dani's cheeks immediately flushed a bright red as her eyes dashed to the periphery where I was seated. I looked away, avoiding her and the doctor's gaze. "Oh, I see," Dr. Anderson chuckled, a knowing undertone to her voice that I didn't like one bit.

"So, the ultrasound?" Dani ushered, her cheeks still flaming with embarrassment at Dr. Anderson's insinuation - her correct insinuation. The older woman nodded before getting up to help her get into the proper position before Dani adjusted her shirt above her stomach. This wasn't the first time I was seeing her bare bump, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't affect me every single time.

"Alright Miss Woodman, let's see how the little girl is looking today," she murmured, squirting a light blue tinted gel onto Dani's stomach. I tapped my foot impatiently as the doctor set everything up. I cricked my neck side to side growing impatient and pulling my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through my emails, deleting a few unnecessary ones as I went. Moments later I was jolted away from what I was reading as an abrupt whooshing sound filled the small room.

"That's your little girl's heartbeat, Brock," Dr. Anderson softly explained while staring at my face - which I knew was filled with wonder and astonishment. My own heart began to pound in my chest as I watched the screen with extreme attention, not wanting to miss a single thing as my child's heartbeat continued to fill the room with noise.

"That's...that's her?" I whispered, pointing towards Dani's belly while still keeping my eyes trained on the fuzzy black and white image the transducer was broadcasting onto the screen.

"Yes, Brock. You...helped create this life," she mumbled. "Right now I don't see any concerns with the development of her lungs or her growth rate either. That's a really good sign, however, your blood pressure is still pretty high. You need to continue taking it easy. Low-sodium diet, no excess strain on your body. If you notice any sudden changes in your vision, you get a headache that won't go away, or you start experiencing chest pain then you need to seek medical attention immediately. I do want to see you every three weeks now instead of every four like we discussed. Do you have any questions for me before I go print out your ultrasound picture?" she asked. Dani had a worried look on her face but just shook her head no anyway.

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