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**Miracle's nickname is pronounced mm-ear so like mmmm when you eat something good and then ear**

Brock's POV

Four Years Later

"Larson, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm simply calling you to tell you that you fucked up the numbers on this report and I want a fixed one emailed to me by the end of the day. I don't care what you have to do to get it done, but do it. This is one of our biggest clients. Don't fuck it up more than you already have," I growled out the warning before slamming the phone down on my desk.

I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration before the sound of the hardwood floor of my office creaking alerted me to someone approaching. Glancing up, I saw the face of the one person I loved more than anything in this world.

"Mir, baby, come here," I beckoned while rolling myself slightly away from my desk and opening my arms. Her childish laughter echoed throughout the room before she shot towards me. I grunted when she jumped into my arms, the sound of paper crinkling close to my ear.

"What've you got, baby?" I asked. She settled herself on my lap before presenting me with the paper, a huge smile on her face.

"It's a drawing I made for you!" she explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I just chuckled at her under my breath. My office was covered in her drawings - they were quite literally everywhere. If they weren't taped to the walls, they were framed on my desk or folded and placed safely in one of my drawers.

"Oh, look at that! It's daddy and mommy and you," I said with a happy smile as I examined her crayon masterpiece.

"Don't forget Georgy, daddy!" she squealed, referring to our yellow lab while tapping my nose playfully. She threw her head back so it butted against my chest and laughed loudly, the sound music to my ears.

"How could I forget him?" I asked before kissing the side of her head and beginning to tickle her sides mercilessly. Her giggles were endless as she tried to maneuver away from my hands.

"Now, what in the world are you two up to?" I heard Dani demand playfully from the doorway. I glanced up and felt my heart flutter at the sight of her cradling her swollen tummy.

"Mir, grandpa is downstairs and he said if you don't get down there he's going to eat your treat he brought!" she warned with a mock serious expression. Miracle gasped dramatically before shoving me away and bolting past her mother, fast as a whip. I just shook my head with an amused smile on my face.

"That girl has got the worst sweet tooth of anyone I know," I mused as she made her way over to me.

"I wonder where she gets that from," she stated pointedly with a sarcastically raised eyebrow. I shrugged before wrapping my arms around her as she eased down onto my lap. I slid my hand up under her own as she rested her head against my shoulder with her face in the crook of my neck.

"You look like you need a nap sweetheart," I murmured. She hummed softly in agreement before further snuggling into my body. I continued to stroke her belly while thinking about how lucky we were. After trying for three fucking years non-stop to conceive again naturally, we decided to finally take the plunge and try IVF, and my God was it worth every penny.

"I bet I could get my mom and dad to take Mir to the park or something - give us a bit of alone time. I could really go for a good bath followed by a long nap," I suggested, causing her to release a long mewl.

"Yes please," she moaned before lifting off of me and wrapping her arm around my bicep for support.

When we finally made our way downstairs, I saw my dad sitting in Miracle's comically little chair at her table while intently watching her color. My mom watched them from the dinner table with a happy smile on her face. When she caught sight of us, her face lit up before she rushed over to us.

"Oh, honey you look exhausted," she spoke while pulling Dani into a hug.

"Well, then I definitely look how I feel," Dani snickered while leaning all of her body weight against me.

"Knox and I will take her for the rest of the day. You just focus on getting some rest," she insisted before kissing her temple, turning and giving my cheek a peck as well. I kissed her forehead in return before turning to Miracle.

"Baby, how would you like to hang out with grandma and grandpa for the rest of the day?" I called. Miracle's face broke out into one of elation as she jumped up and down while yelling numerous yes-es.

"Well, that settles it. Just call me before you guys head back this way to drop her off again," I requested before escorting them out. I laughed and shook my head as my dad completely ignored my mom, instead listening to some story Miracle was telling him with an incredibly serious look on his face that mirrored hers.

"I need to get this sports bra off right now or I might die," Dani groaned before retreating to the staircase.

"Do I get to massage your boobs or are they still off limits?" I inquired hopefully. She stopped on the step, clearly debating about what I'd said.

"For a little bit because they are kinda sore, but then I'm sleeping," she stated pointedly, fully knowing I was going to try and do more than just play with her tits.

"Deal, I'll take it. Let's go, baby," I growled playfully in her ear before whisking her up the steps and to my bedroom.

If you'd have asked me where I thought I would be now ten years ago, this life sure as hell wouldn't have been the answer, but damn if I'm glad it is. 

**Sorry for the confusion - I thought I got the updated version uploaded yesterday when I posted them all but for some reason this is the only chapter that didn't get updated**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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